How should we think about sin and repentance in a life of Christian discipleship? Do Christians continue to struggle with sin or is it possible to live a victorious Christian life? On this program the hosts will discuss what it means to be simultaneously justified and sinful by walking through chapters 6-7 of Paul’s letter to the Romans as they wrap up their series on the doctrine of Original Sin. Join us for this new edition of the White Horse Inn.Christians are completely sinners and completely saints

Host Quote:

“We basically have a medieval view of repentance today in a lot of Protestant churches. If I just rededicate my life, if I just promised to do better, if I just show God that I really mean business this time. Instead of saying, you know what, no. Actually, it’s going to be harder than this. Your whole life, you’re going to be dying daily. It’s not going to be this extraordinary moment where you’re going to cry your sins away. You’re going to have this big moment of repentance and flush all of your garbage down the toilet and start all over again. No, every day you’re going to have to die to yourself and live to Christ. And this repentance is going to be a daily, very hard, very difficult task…

“Again, this is what happens when you have a high view of God, a high view of his righteousness and holiness, a high view of his word, a high view of his commands and then that leads you to, how could I find a gracious God? And it’s the grace of God that leads us to repentance. Our whole life, therefore, is one of repentance.” – Michael Horton

Term to Learn:


Sanctification is the fruit of justification. It is the gracious and continuous operation of the Holy Spirit by which He delivers the justified sinner from the pollution of sin, renews his whole nature in the image of God, and enables him to perform good works. Sanctification never reaches perfection in this life (believers continue to struggle with sin), but by virtue of the believer’s union with Christ, real conformity to the image of Christ occurs by means of the Word and sacraments. (Adapted from Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology, pp. 532–535)

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