Job’s Counselors & the Prosperity Gospel

Job’s Counselors & the Prosperity Gospel

Continuing their overview of the book of Job, the hosts discuss the various claims made by Job’s counselors concerning health, wealth, and happiness. What’s wrong with their advice, and how should this influence the way we think about the role of suffering in the Christian life? How do we deal with the fact that there is so much pain and misery in the world, and what happens to our faith when having “our best life now” seems to elude us at every turn? (originally aired 03-09-14)

Show Quote

Ken Jones: If you look at the misuse and the mishandling of Job in a contemporary sense, that’s one of the tragedies, that people don’t recognize the law/gospel confusion. It still comes down to individuals ‘not doing this’ or ‘doing that’ as a means of gaining anything from God.

Kim Riddlebarger: The flip side of that is the idea that when people are prosperous, they must have God’s blessing.

Michael Horton: It’s not just our culture, but it’s deep in our culture in particular, and we’ve exported it around the world.

Term to Learn

“A Believer’s Struggle with Sin”

    1. Those people whom God according to his purpose calls into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord and regenerates by the Holy Spirit, he also sets free from the reign and slavery of sin, though in this life not entirely from the flesh and from the body of sin.
    2. Hence daily sins of weakness arise, and blemishes cling to even the best works of God’s people, giving them continual cause to humble themselves before God, to flee for refuge to Christ crucified, to put the flesh to death more and more by the Spirit of supplication and by holy exercises of godliness, and to strain toward the goal of perfection, until they are so freed from this body of death and reign with the Lamb of God in Heaven.  (The Canons of Dort, The Fifth Main Point of Doctrine, Articles 1 and 2)

(This podcast is by White Horse Inn. Discovered by Christian Podcast Central and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Christian Podcast Central, and audio is streamed directly from their servers.)

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