SDSU Quarterback, Lucas Johnson

Lucas offers his perspectives on God’s faithfulness, even when we wander away.

Live Sports in a COVID-19 World:
    • We are STARVING for live sports
      • What’s back? Professional Cornhole, Tennis (Re)Open, Bundesliga (German Soccer), NASCAR, UFC
      • Jefferson even was sucked into the 1978 MLB All-Star Game
      • Lucas has migrated to watching NBA 2K on ESPN as if it were a real football game.
      • Is a Cornhole video game coming soon?
The Match II
    • Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning vs. Phil Mickelson and Tom Brady
      • For a brief six-and-a-half holds, TB12 looked like the rest of us.
      • As Lucas attests, greatness goes far beyond natural abilities.
      • These four greats proved what real greatness is as they raised over $20 million for COVID19 relief in the pouring rain.
Will college and pro sports be better off in a Post-COVID world?
    • It may be harder for the athletes to not have fans in the stands, but more money will be made.
    • More revenue is brought in via television rights than ticket sales
    • More people will be watching televised sports than ever before, therefore, commercial revenue will exceed the pre-COVID era.
    • We watch because we like what we see, but will “what we see” be diminished without fans in the stands?
  • Marcus’ solution: have COVID19-positive people fill the stands and work concessions.  They’ll be excited to get out, they won’t worry about getting infected, and they’ll have a job!
NCAA – Ready to Resume?
    • Unlike pro sports, colleges don’t only have to worry about their athletes, but also the parents of the athletes.
    • NCAA doesn’t really have the authority to keep sports locked down or open up… the conferences and individual colleges do.
A Little Bit About Lucas JohnsonSDSU Quarterback, Lucas Johnson
  • Lucas grew up in San Diego
  • He started playing flag football when he was four-years-old
  • As a young kid, he loved basketball more than football, even though his dad played in the NFL for the Buccaneers and Browns in the 80’s 
  • Lucas actually found himself trying to live up to his older sister’s legacy: she was a 7-time CIF champion, All American Athlete in softball and basketball, went to ASU and was an All American, National Title winner there.
  • Marcus’ father played a key role in motivating and encouraging him throughout his early years.
  • As a freshman, he was QB for the Freshman team for only five weeks before Mt. Carmel’s Varsity QB went down with a high ankle sprain and Lucas was called up… at 6’1” and only 140 lbs.!
  • Marcus did not do well in his first varsity game… his first pass was an interception.
  • Marcus got called up again during the playoffs, when the Varsity QB re-injured his ankle and Lucas had a much better game, throwing two TD’s and no turnovers… in the rain.
  • By the time Lucas was a Senior at Mt. Carmel, he was “all-everything” and went to Georgia Tech.
  • According to Lucas, every elite high school athlete comes to realize that they’re not as great as they thought they were when they get to the collegiate level. 
  • Lucas also struggled with being away from home and living on his own.
  • At the time, he felt like he needed to get away in order to grow up and become his own man, but that wasn’t easy.
  • Lucas ended up with three different position coaches in his time at Georgia Tech and learned that there are a lot of variables that contribute to athletic success.
  • Then, Lucas was hit with the injury bug, but was able to transfer to SDSU with two more years of eligibility… and his bachelor’s degree already under his belt.
Lucas’ Faith Journey:
  • As a kid, Lucas and his family attended The Rock Church in San Diego.
  • His faith was strong, but his steadfast walk wasn’t deeply rooted and he got caught up in “college life” while in Georgia.
  • When Lucas was faced with a season-ending injury, Lucas broke down in physical, emotional and spiritual pain… and turned back to the ultimate healer, the Lord.
  • Lucas returned home and rededicated his life to God.
  • Lucas and Marcus’ stories are very similar to Solomon’s:

Now all has been heard;

here is the conclusion of the matter:

Fear God and keep his commandments,

for this is the duty of all mankind. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

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