COVID-19 Quarantine Encouragement from Rick Takahashi

The 10x National Champ offers encouragement through trying times.

Quarantine Encouragement from Rick TakahashiWith all of us still semi-isolated, it’s comforting to know that as followers of Jesus, we are never alone. God wasn’t kidding when He said, “Don’t be afraid because I will be with you.”

To help remind us of God’s promises, we have reached out to our “Friends of The Yard”. This week, we welcome world-class surfer, Rick Takahashi!

Rick Takahashi, La Jolla High School Surf Coach & Leader of the Rock Church Surf Ministry:

My favorite verse is Isaiah 6:8 which says:

I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)

This has been a life verse for me because of the dedication and effort that it takes to achieve things like titles and awards in the surfing world. Things don’t “just happen”. You have to train hard and be prepared.

The same applies to being a Christian. Being prepared for the battle means being in your Bible, memorizing Scripture, building community and having things ready for when the time comes. If someone needs a word of encouragement, you’re there. If someone needs to be lifted up, you’re there.

You may be the only one representing Jesus that someone knows, so it’s super important to be ready for the battle and be ready for when time calls.   

For more fun in The Yard with Marcus Preciado, check out our YouTube Channel and

You can also find more encouraging words from other Yard teammates here!

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