COVID-19 Quarantine Encouragement from Trent Rawlins

The hard-punching Aussie offers encouragement through trying times.

With all of us isolated in our homes, it’s comforting to know that as followers of Jesus, we are never alone. God wasn’t kidding when He said, “Don’t be afraid because I will be with you.”

To help remind us of God’s promises, we have reached out to our “Friends of The Yard”. This week, we welcome Heavyweight Boxer Trent Rawlins!

Trent Rawlins, 10-2-1 with 8 knockouts: 

COVID-19 Quarantine Encouragement from Trent RawlinsI hope everybody is keeping well and staying safe… and staying positive through these difficult times. It’s not just difficult here in the US, but all over the world. I don’t have one particularly favorite Bible verse. I love the whole Word of God. But, one verse that really stands out for me in these times is Philippians 4:6-7, which says:

Do not be anxious about anything, but with thanksgiving, make your request known to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

I know that there are people out there who are anxious right now. They’re anxious about the virus. They’re anxious about their health. They’re anxious about whether or not they’re going to be able to pay the rent and the end of the month. They’re anxious about if they are going to lose their business or not. And that’s understandable in times like these. 

But, I encourage you to stay positive and read Philippians 4:6-7, and really meditate on those words. Because God’s Word never lets you down. So, as the verse says: be anxious about nothing. But IN PRAYER, be thankful for what God has given us already, and give those anxieties to God. And, God’s peace – which transcends ALL understanding – will guard your heart and your mind, all in Christ Jesus!

God bless you, everyone. Stay safe. Stay positive. And, keep punchin’ in these times!!

For more fun in The Yard with Marcus Preciado, check out our YouTube Channel and

You can also find more encouraging words from other Yard teammates here!

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