Gino Mingo, Former NFL & CFL Lineman, Now Pastor, Author, Disciple

The Larger Than Life Preacher Shares How Faith and Sports Collide Throughout His Life

Former NFL & CFL defensive lineman turned preacher / author / worship vocalist / #GirlDad Gino Mingo shares his incredible story about the many turns in life that can come when God takes the wheel!

How faith and sports have collided in Gino’s  life:
  • A proud, #GirlDad, Gino lives with his wife, his mother and his five daughters. As he puts it, Gino is the Michael Phelps of estrogen… he’s swimming in it.
  • Gino has a rich heritage of athleticism – his dad has his jersey retired in the Denver Broncos’ Ring of Honor and according to Chief’s owner, Lamar Hunt, Gino’s dad “helped save the AFL”.
  • Gino played Defensive Line for Oregon State University, signed with the Chiefs, spent two seasons with the British Columbia Lions in the CFL before being called by God into full-time ministry.
  • In 1995, Gino and his college friend AC Green were in church in L.A. (where AC played as a stand out on the Showtime Lakers) and Gino was supposed to connect with the guys from Earth, Wind and Fire to cut some vocals. However, the studio ended up burning down in the ‘95 riots.
  • AC set an example for Gino at that time how to live out his faith in all aspects of life… even in Gino’s “promotion” from professional athlete to waiter at the Olive Garden.
  • Gino clearly recalls God saying to him, “If working in ministry is meant to be, it’ll be brought to you.”
  • Then, after church one Sunday, Gino’s pastor told him, “Gino, you’ve got a great call of God on your life and I believe you have been called into ministry.”
  • That’s all Gino needed to move forward and begin what would become ROAR Ministries.
  • Gino has been assessed as having a “manic mind”, which he has learned to use as a tool for systematically preaching and addressing people’s questions with Christian Apologetics.
  • Gino “came to Christ” as a young teenager. But, he realizes that while he “called himself a Christian” for over a decade, he didn’t really live like Jesus.
  • In his 20’s, though, Gino learned what it means to really be a DISCIPLE and live according to God’s will.
  • Gino’s constant desire to become more and more like Jesus inspired him to write Black Belt Discipleship.
  • Gino’s book is an amazing metaphor for spiritual development – growing and progressing from a white belt to a black belt.
Gino’s Favorite Scripture:

for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians (Acts 11:26)


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