Lockdown Encouragement from SDSU Hall of Fame Wide Receiver, JR Tolver

The All-American Aztec offers encouragement through trying times.

With all of us still semi-isolated, it’s comforting to know that as followers of Jesus, we are never alone. God wasn’t kidding when He said, “Don’t be afraid because I will be with you.”

To help remind us of God’s promises, we have reached out to our “Friends of The Yard”. This week, we welcome SDSU Football legend, JR Tolver!

JR Tolver, 2003 Miami Dolphin Draft Pick and SDSU Hall of Famer:Lockdown Encouragement from SDSU Hall of Fame Wide Receiver, JR Tolver

I wanted to take a second and share my favorite Bible verse with you guys. But, before i do, I want to give you a little bit of context. In 2003, I was drafted by the Miami Dolphins. In 2004, I got released and it seemed like, from that point forward, no matter if I had a good practice or a bad practice, no matter what team I was on, I was always nervous and anxious about getting released again. I shared that with the Carolina Panthers Chaplain, and he gave me a great Bible verse – Philippians 4:6, which says:

Be anxious for nothing, but in prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6)

That’s such a powerful message, especially now. We’re all a little bit anxious about our health. We’re anxious about our loved ones. That being said, any anxiety that you may feel… drop down on your knees and pray. Have a conversation with God about it and, at the very least, allow Him to take the anxiety, worry and fear away from you. 

That doesn’t mean that you can’t be affected by the things around us. I got released like three or four more times. It just means that you can really nail down and do what you’re supposed to do without being motivated by fear and worry. 

If you want God to take that burden off of your shoulders, have a conversation with Him. Because His Word says He’ll do just that!

Stay safe out there, everybody!

For more fun in The Yard with Marcus Preciado, check out our YouTube Channel and TheYardPodcast.com.

You can also find more encouraging words from other Yard teammates here!

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