In this week’s “Punchline” segment, we open up the phone lines and serves up “dating advice” for comedian Chinnitta Morris.

Chinnitta is looking for a man, which is more difficult than ever. Men already are bad communicators and today’s technology only makes it worse. Text messaging, instant messaging and tweeting has replaced face-to-face conversations. Chinnitta was seeing a guy for three months without ever hearing his actual voice.

Well, to be honest, they weren’t technically in a true, traditional relationship. She was following him on Twitter and really just waiting for him to follow her back to show that he’s interested, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.

And men know that there is a “Man Shortage” out there. It’s evident when even the ugly more abstract guys have a bad attitude. I mean, when these ugly fellows don’t even realize that they are abstract (which can be good sometimes… I mean, some are real Picassos which are rare and valuable to the right person), and yet they make demands on what they want in a woman, things are out of control. And they are making frivolous demands today. Things like: a woman has to have pretty feet. (Seriously?? At least my “ugly” is on my feet.) This criticism is coming from a guy whose priorities are all out of order. His teeth are hanging all out of his mouth and he looks like a Neanderthal, but he’s critical of my feet?

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