From Fox News:  A Chinese man is stuck in South Korea after his four-year-old son doodled all over his passport, leaving him unable to fly home with his family.

The budding artist took to his father’s passport with a black felt tip pen, making his dad’s eyes and lips bigger and drawing extra facial hair all over his head.

Apparently he was embarrassed by his father’s hairline.

The man — whose name is only given as Chen — tried to board his flight back to China from South Korea but was stopped by security.

His family is believed to have flown home but Chen is still stranded in South Korea, forcing him to take to Chinese social networking site Weibo (China’s version of Twitter) to try and find a solution.

This dad “can’t return to the country,” a May 16 Weibo post reads. “What is [he] to do? Please help.”

So apparently, if you have a felt tip pen and some graffiti skills, you can immigrate to any country you want!  Oops!  Someone drew a Batman mask on my picture, guess I’ll have to live in Fiji forever!!  How’s your health care plan here?

I think what he should do is demand to be allowed to fly home.  When they refuse, he should take his son’s felt pen, draw on the immigration officer’s face and get himself deported back home!  Or, on a similar note, take that same pen and draw new hair and a beard on his own face so that he looks just like his “new” passport photo!

Then, comedian Jonnie W. calls into the show to discuss fans who walk up to him in public and spontaneously request jokes on demand.  What other profession needs to prove their aptitude on the spot like that?  No one bumps into a baker on the sidewalk and demands “Bake me a cake.  Right. Now!”  Or a pharmacist:  “Sell me some drugs… NOW, Pillboy!!”  We just don’t do that to other people.

And finally, our weekly featured comedian Jeff Allen joins the show.  Jeff started doing comedy in Chicago back in 1978.  Known as Jeff “Psycho” Allen back then, he realized he had a problem when the Boston comics started referring to him as “Psycho”.  If anyone knows psychotic behavior, it’s Boston comics.  Now since those early psychotic days, Jeff now has a relationship with God and no longer believes that the universe has to bend to Jeff’s will.  And, for a guy who makes stuff up and talks about it for a living, this has greatly impacted his pursuit of absolute truth.  But, no matter how you slice it, the idiom “Happy Wife, Happy Life” rings true no matter who you are.

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