According to the UK Daily Mail, children who watch three or more hours of TV per day could be left educationally stunted and prone to bullying.  Oddly enough, two hours and 52 minutes of viewing per day does not appear to harmfully affect kids.  Apparently, it’s that extra eight minutes that make all the difference.

Eight minutes of watching TV is all that stands between your child being smart or wedgied and stuffed into a locker.

The extra eight minutes of TV also stunted growth in vocabulary, math and focus.

Who’s bullying these TV watchers?  The overly smart geniuses who don’t watch TV?  Are they backing them into a corner of the science lab and threatening to hurt them if they don’t comply with the nerd’s wishes?

You’ve got to assume that the producers of shows featuring giant purple dinosaurs aren’t’ taking the is news too kindly.  You can imagine the rebuttal that might be aired! (or, if you don’t want to imagine it, listen to this podcast and hear how it would likely sound)

Then, comedian Zan calls into the show to vent about odd questions she gets asked after some of her shows.  Once, someone asked her if it is harder being a girl doing comedy.

Her reply:  “I don’t know, I’ve never been a DUDE!  I get that I’m tall, have a deep voice and hairy feet, but that’s not your business!!”

She also gets pummedled with questions about her unique name, which translates in German to “The Great Resurrected One on a Field of Purple Flowers”.  Unfortunately, in Danish it merely translates to “Flat Broke White Chick”.

And finally, musician and Barnie Fife impersonator Rik Roberts calls in to talk about being a clean comic and motivational speaker.  Rik even offers an online class, teaching students to write and deliver comedy cleanly.

You can see more from Daren, Zan and Rik at The Daren Streblow Comedy Show

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