Comedian and playwright Tim Clue calls into the show to be laughed at and laughed with.

Tim and Daren discuss the secrets of marrying the perfect comedian’s wife – a woman who laughs at their jokes while keeping them on the straight and narrow.

Tim also talks about the new play he recently wrote and produced called Standing in Mattoon, which is loosely based on a real town featuring and amazing annual bagel festival – but that’s beside the point.  The play centers around people in a small town wondering if they are stuck there and/or if they want to do anything about it – or do they remain there because it’s home.  In other words, it’s a hilarious play about faith, bagels and small town life.

To learn more about the play and share in more Tim Clue centered laughs, check out

Or, for more family-friendly comedy, check out the Daren Streblow Comedy Show.

And, for more entertaining and encouraging podcasts and videos, visit the E-Squared Media Network at


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