“Celebrity Psychologist Dr. Phil Better” offers his suggestions regarding how to add a romantic spark to your relationship.

Firstly, give your beloved a pet name.  No, not Fido or Spot – not an actual name for your pet.  Nor should you use the run-of-the-mill “Honey” or “Sweetie”.  Instead choose one that is unique to your relationship.

Use descriptive terms.  For instance, if she is the sensitive type who cries at hallmark commercials, capitalize on that endearing characteristic of hers.  Be creative but avoid such nicknames as Puffy, Crybaby or Drippynose.

Keep you pet names “cutesy”.  And if you’re at a total loss, simply refer to low-fat food items such as apples (apple blossom NOT apple butter), angel hair (NOT devil’s food), or Cinnamon Girl but not Sticky Bun.

Personally, Dr. Phil Better calls his sweet, cute-nosed bride “Sugar Booger”.  This move is highly NOT recommended.

(Dr. Phil Better is closely related to comedian Denny Brownlee.)

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