Fox News recently reported that Rick Dyer, self-proclaimed expert Bigfoot hunter, claims to have killed the elusive beast.  Although, the only proof that Dyer purports to possess are some suspicious photos of his hairy kill.

“Bigfoot is 100% real.  There’s no question about that.”, says Dyer (really?  NO question??)

Yet all Dyer has actually revealed are a few shots of grainy video which he says will be featured in his upcoming documentary “Shooting Bigfoot”.

“Every test you could possibly imagine was performed on his body from DNA tests to 3D optical scans to body scans.”

But, if he truly ran EVERY test, did he perform the Coke vs. Pepsi taste test?

It seems critical for mankind to know for certain which cola Sasquatch prefers.

Now Daren, a hunter yet also a conservationist, wonders if hunting, killing, stuffing and putting on display the world’s one and only Bigfoot is truly the most humane approach to the legacy of our legendary national treasure that is Bigfoot.

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