Daren and Bone Hampton, winner of the 2013 Grady Nutt Award, reflect on the history of television, starting and ending with the 1970’s/80’s comedy variety show, “Hee Haw”.

Then they look at what it means to be known as a “Christian Comedian” in the 21st century.  You see, all comedians are labeled whether they like it or not, if for no other reason than to offer the audience a reference point of what to expect form the comic’s material.

Now, Bone chose to label himself before anyone else could label him; and realized that he approaches his comedy and EVERYTHING ELSE in life from a Christian perspective.  This means honoring God in all that he does and says – even when someone in the audience might be rudely annoying him.  (It’s just a shame that calling down fire in the name of God is frowned upon these days.)

You can see more about what’s going on with Bone on Twitter: @BoneHampton and at BoneHampton.com