Daren Streblow

How do you describe a panic attack if you don’t have them?

They make you highly anxious, nauseated, cold sweats, make you feel like you’re going insane, like dating really but a little more pleasant. It’s like there is a gun pointed at your head, but there is no gun, there’s no danger.

It’s just normal everyday stuff around you, like toast popping up has brought me to my knees, I can’t go to a waffle house without really supportive friends.

Image: CollegeMagazine
Image: CollegeMagazine

For panic attacks I blame those adrenalin junkies, because I believe that emotions might be pulled down from a collective emotion cloud. You download the emotion you need and these adrenalin junkies are putting themselves in danger and liking it.

They downloaded the wrong emotion, mean while I’m looking at a teddy bear and having a meltdown thinking, “This is the end, I’ll never survive this!”

So it’s their fault, adrenalin junkies.

Not everything gives me panic attacks, I’ve never had a panic attack on stage. Strangely enough, because that’s where most people have true panic attacks.
Flying doesn’t give me panic attacks but baggage fees usually do.

I would love it if I never felt frightened ever, but then again never feeling fear might be more dangerous, rather than feeling too much fear.

“Oh I dropped a penny on the end of this wood chipper.”

“I think that might be a rabid pit-bull, I better take a closer look just to be sure.”

One of the worst panic attacks I’ve ever had was during my wive’s deliveries. My wife is never going to be able to forget that, because between contraptions my doctor is saying, “Darin, are you alright? Deep Breaths Darin!”

dscsmc-rich-jonesNext, my buddy Rich Jones calls in!

Rich shares about the challenges of life, like getting his haircut at a beauty college and how the student who cut his hair most likely got an F for his hair cut. Rich shares how the scariest thing you can hear in Walmart is “Quick, that a picture!” it makes him question what he is wearing out in public. Another challenge Rich has in his life is coming up for cute pet names for his girlfriend. For example Babe, she says, “Babe was a pig.” He tries to explain that babe was a very cute pig.

dscsmc-dennis-reganNext, my buddy Dennis Regan Joins us!

Dennis shares his path to comedy and how he had a very successful football career going for himself, but he injured his knee on the playground teeter-totter when he was in kindergarten, so he took his career into comedy instead.

Dennis shares about his upcoming comedy special, called “That Darn Dennis”

Dennis talks about a recent show for a big corporation, where he found out he was going to be translated into about six different languages. It would be funny to see what the translation of their translation would be, because some things don’t translate very well especially in comedy.

We share the struggles of being a comic, and especially a corporate comic at times who has to deal with rooms with poor audio systems. It makes it very difficult to work a crowd when the audience can’t hear you very well. Also presenting the right jokes, dealing with photographers and how to be a clean comic with style.