
From the Guardian:

South Korean health authorities have said they are investigating a cosmetic surgery clinic in Seoul after photographs emerged online apparently showing medical staff partying in an operating theatre.

In one selfie, posted on Instagram, staff in scrubs appeared to stand around a candlelit birthday cake – with an apparently unconscious patient lying on a bed behind them.

Another picture on the photo-sharing app showed a staff member, wearing a mask and a surgery gown, jokingly placing a gel breast implant over her chest in an operating room. Another showed staff posing while eating hamburgers.

“Our officials are investigating the clinic to see if there was any violation of medical laws,” said a spokeswoman from the public health department in Seoul’s Gangnam district on Monday. “They may look into whether such behavior damaged the reputation of medical practitioners.”

Under South Korea’s medical law, behavior deemed to tarnish the reputation of the industry can result in suspension.

The images, posted by one staff member, drew a storm of online criticism for alleged disregard of sanitation rules and patient safety. They were taken down later.

So now, it’s okay… so long as they only party in secret.

The clinic apologized on Monday for “careless actions” by some of its staff, whom it confirmed were doctors or assistants. “We are left devastated for causing such concerns among our clients … because of the senseless behavior,” Jewelry Plastic Surgery Centre said on its website.

“We offer our deep apology … and will conduct thorough safety training for all our staff members.”

What’s that safety training going to look like? “Okay, people… Picture A is a picture of a party. Picture B is a picture of surgery. Don’t mix Picture A with Picture B. Next, Picture C is a picture of hamburgers. Picture D is a picture of surgery. Don’t mix Picture C with Picture D.

But who knows… maybe they were just celebrating the wonderful results of their recent surgery.

The upmarket district in southern Seoul – made famous by South Korean singer Psy’s global hit Gangnam Style – is home to high-end stores as well as hundreds of cosmetic surgery clinics.

Next, funnyman Jonnie W. calls into the show to talk about going home again. Jonnie went back to his family’s place for the holidays, where they set up an airbed for him to sleep on. It was fine when he laid down at night, but constantly leaked air out of it throughout the night. He went to bed on a mattress, but woke in the middle of the night wrapped in a shame taco.

That’s not restful.

Jonnie also talks about his health concerns. Over the years, he has kept his new year’s resolutions to get healthy, but he has lost the same 30 pounds like five times. He’s just a big guy. He’s never been able to loose so much weight that someone mistook his weightloss for problematic health. Instead of, “Hey, buddy… are you feeling alright?”, Jonnie, instead gets something like, “Right on, buddy… you’re down to a B-cup!”

Which is not cool.

He joined a gym, but finds it intimidating. You see, in a gym are people your age who look like you would look if you cared about how you looked. Jonnie did take solace at the sight of one guy, though. He was ripped with muscles everywhere and had a shaved head, since he even attacked his personal battle against his own hairline. Jonnie was starting to feel bad about himself until the bald muscular guy turned around to reveal fat rolls on the back of his head.

According to Jonnie, “Hey, I may never have a six-pack up front, but at least I don’t have a pack of hot dogs in the back!”

One of the most annoying health trends these days is fish oil. But, if you take fish oil in a capsule, you end up burping fish scented burps all day long! And even if you don’t take the pills, waiters everywhere are pushing fish like its going out of style. And poor Jonnie doesn’t even like fish. And why is it that the “good fish” at restaurants is the fish that doesn’t taste like fish?

I mean, if your meat’s selling point is that it doesn’t taste like the animal from which it came… you’ve got a problem. You never hear a waiter at a fine steakhouse say, “Hey, try the porterhouse… it doesn’t taste at all like a steak!”

And, what is free-range chicken? I know that it’s more expensive, but why? When I order a meal, I don’t want to know its life history, social status or see photos of its family on Instagram. I just want to eat it and enjoy it.

And who cares if the meat is locally farmed?

Has anyone ever really asked for the home address of their steak?

Finally, I’m joined in studio with my good buddy and comedian extraordinaire, Leland Klassen! We met at a comedy convention at Biola University years and years ago. After hearing his set, I got down on my knees and bowed! Not really worshipping, per se, but very much impressed!

Leland clearly remembers my set from that weekend also. According to him, I was slaying the room and then abruptly said, “Yeah… yeah, I think that’s enough.” And walked off. My perspective was slightly different. I just remember being extremely nervous and realizing that it wasn’t going to get any better than it was at that point, so I slammed on the brakes and walked off.

Leland started doing stand up comedy at his church’s youth nights in Saskatchewan. And while he was perfecting his craft, he simultaneously performed at some pretty rough Canadian bars. This combination really helped him out quite a bit because he worked clean – as the church would expect, but the bar crowd didn’t. So, his sets were unique and caught the crowd’s attention, simply because he didn’t “go blue”.

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