There are issues that challenge our faith and our God in very distinct ways.  Megaphone issues face us full volume – politically and culturally – and challenge our faith as the larger Body of Christ.

The loudest and most obvious social issue we face today is the Homosexual / Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) movement and subculture.  Now, besides promoting sexual sin – and it is sexual sin – the challenge is also to God as creator. 

In Genesis, the Bible says that God created us in His image – male and female.  As men and women, we are the distinct expressions of God’s nature:  men the masculine and women the feminine.  However, the LGBT movement attempts to blur that distinction by challenging the truth that God has created humans distinctly male and female.

On a closely related note, the second Megaphone issue we face is Gay Marriage.

Gay Marriage challenges God’s plan and command for us to continue His creation through procreation.  God’s design is for men and women to come together through marriage “as one flesh” in sexual union to continue His work of creation and populating the earth. 

Now, gay marriage by definition makes this impossible. 

Finally, our third Megaphone Issue is abortion. 

As a Church and as individual Christ-followers, abortion challenges both God’s creation and our procreation. 

Now, abortion advocates maintain that an unborn baby is merely an unviable tissue mass – only part of the mother’s body, without humanity and it can be terminated at the will of someone else. 

This directly challenges Biblical truth:  we are created in God’s image, knit together in our mother’s womb; and that He knew us even before we were born. 

Abortion also challenges God’s plan for procreation.   God’s design for sex is twofold:  the physical expression of love between a husband and a wife AND the method to fulfill His command to reproduce His creation and populate the earth.

If sex were separated from God’s design and those responsibilities, then His design is corrupted and His very identity as God is challenged. 

So, when we hear these Megaphone Issues blaring in our political and cultural arenas, I hope that as Christians we can resist the temptations to stick our fingers in our ears or blaring back with our own megaphones; or worse – letting ourselves be intimidated into silence and even appeasement. 

Instead, let’s carefully consider the deeper challenges these issues bring to us as a body of believers and to the identity and will of the God we serve.

Remember, we are called to be the salt and light to a dark and tasteless world.