The Greatest Story NEVER TOLD!
Welcome to Sovereign Artsakh. I know there are probably a few new people watching this. So, before I get started, I’m a Hollywood guy. I want a trophy and I’ve been developing a project. So, in this video, I’m going to talk about the the project – kind of an overview of the project that i’m working on. Also, I have a patreon account for my production company which owns the intellectual property that I’m going to be talking about right now.
So, let me talk about what I refer to as “The Most Incredible Story NEVER Told.” The family of the guy says his story’s been told over and over and over again. Well obviously, if you’re the family, then you’ve heard it over and over again. And your family is famous in their community because of what the patriarch of the family did. But me – an American working in Hollywood who only speaks English and Espanol – this thing happened in another language and wasn’t ever really translated into English. And if I haven’t heard it, then nobody’s heard it.
What’s THE most incredible story ever told? The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, obviously.
But this one has NEVER been told and it’s up there. I mean, it’s hard to compare yourself with Jesus. But this is a “Jesus story”. This is a “death, burial and resurrection story”, if I’ve ever heard one. And it’s a true story.
Here’s how it happened:
I was working at Entertainment Tonight as an editor. But then my job was coming to an end. And I’m like, “Well, it’s time to go and figure out what I’m going to do with my life at the age of 45.” I had established a relationship with a very successful Hollywood producer – the guy who created Home Improvement. He became my mentor and I ran some ideas by him. And he goes, “You should do this. You can do this. The fact that you’re an editor, you can direct, and your writing is incredible… You can do this! So to get that guy’s endorsement… I just launched out and started looking for investors. I sat with this one potential investor and I pitched him some ideas. He was like, “You should look into the Armenian Genocide. There’s got to be a hero like an Armenian Geronimo – a resistance fighter.” And I’m thinking, “This guy’s got access to a whole bunch of money. If I look into this Armenian Genocide thing, maybe he’ll want to produce one of my projects as well.
Long story short, I looked into it and essentially, I found the guy who killed hitler’s hero. The guy who killed Hitler’s hero is the Armenian Geronimo. I mean, it’s Armenian Geronimo times ten! It’s
Schindler’s List times 100. And I’m not kidding! This guy wrote his own story. He wrote in detail about what happened. I found this Armenian bookstore and I’m like, “Do you have the memoir?” The guy at the store said, “No, but it wouldn’t do you any good if I did. It’s never been translated into English.”
I hit a wall and simultaneously struck gold!
This was in 2017, and I couldn’t read it if I got it. But nobody else in Hollywood could read it either – unless they speak Armenian. And it’s like reading Shakespeare times ten! We have no grasp of this ancient language. It’s been around for thousands of years (English has been around for a few centuries).
So, I struck gold!
First, I thought, “Where is the family who has the rights?” And within two months, I was sitting in the home of the heir to the story. I was sitting in his home!
Within two months, I went from discovery of the most incredible story ever forgotten to sitting in front of the family. They said, “Yes, you can have the rights.”
So immediately, I’m thinking, “ This is a story that every Armenian… no, every PERSON should unite behind.”
But then, I had to get it translated. I had to do the research. And over the past three and a half four years now, I found an initial investor who paid for the translation, including three research trips to Europe and one to the East Coast because the Armenian Revolutionary Federation – a political party that this guy was a part of – their archives are in Boston. So we established an intellectual property company that owns it. So, I’ve worked with historians at Georgetown.
The story is incredible and I have the rights to it; and the family is chomping at the bit, waiting. So, it’s a long process.
I want to honor the family. Because the way it works in Hollywood is: if you’re a nobody like me (yeah, I’ve won an award, but there are thousands of people who’ve won awards) I don’t have some blockbuster movie on my resume, I’ve got a news gossip tv show on my resume. So, if you’re a nobody like me and you’re trying to break in, and be a somebody in Hollywood with the goal of telling an incredible story that will change the world… The catch-22 is if you’re a nobody and you have an incredible story, you’re supposed to sell it.
You basically sell all your rights, and if it’s a success and you’ve managed to keep your name attached to it, then you get a little more leverage. That’s how it works in Hollywood. I mean, it’s a crap shoot. That’s how the system works. But, in this case, I cannot sell the rights to this because I’m the only one the family trusts. So in other words, if I sell it, it evaporates. The story is an invaluable commodity. You can’t put a price tag on this authorized version.
And, I’m looking at everything that’s going on in the world and it’s like, “Wow this is all lining up perfectly!” I have seen miracle after miracle after miracle!
It’s been an incredible rollercoaster ride that I get to be a part of!
Sovereign Artsakh is dedicated to raising awareness and ultimately to petition the President of the United States of America to draft an executive order recognizing the Sovereign Statehood of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). That simple act, without troop commitments, arms deals, or international resolutions, will shift the paradigm away from war. If you believe in peace, subscribe to this channel and share it with others.
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