Armenian Genocide Officially Recognized By United States Executive Branch

Today April 24, 2021. It is the 106th anniversary of the Christian holocaust of World War I. More specifically. it was the first day of the Armenian genocide conducted by the Ottoman Empire against its own citizens. The Armenian subculture a second-class citizenry that was subjugated to the majority class of the Muslim Turks 

At long last – 106 years after the events began – the United States is finally going to officially designate what happened as a genocide, even though the word “genocide” had not yet been coined. The nation of Turkey has threatened to cut off diplomatic relations with the United States if we go down that track. 

But, before I read this article, I was sent something on April 22 in an email from a Turkish friend of mine.  

Now, I am not an Armenian. I’m just a Slavic American, but a Christian. And that’s why the Armenian Genocide story is important to me and should be important to every human on the planet. It’s something that continues to this day. It’s not over, especially with what happened in Azerbaijan last September and continues to this day. Even though there was a ceasefire, Christian Armenians were massacred by Muslim Azeri’s and that’s a partner nation with Turkey.

So, this article was sent to me by a Turkish history professor. He wanted to make sure I had a copy of this letter written to our President from the US Senate:

Dear President Biden,

We write today to strongly urge you to officially recognize the truth of the Armenian Genocide. In the past, you have recognized the Armenian Genocide as genocide, including in your Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day statements during the 2020 campaign. We call on you to do so again as President to make clear that the U.S. government recognizes this terrible truth.

From 1915 to 1923, the Ottoman Empire systematically sought to eliminate the Armenian population, killing 1.5 million Armenians and driving hundreds of thousands more from their homeland. We join the Armenian community in the United States and around the world in honoring the memory of the these victims, and we stand firmly against attempts to pretend that this intentional, organized effort to destroy the Armenian people was anything other than a genocide. You have correctly stated that Armenian diplomacy and foreign policy must be rooted in our values, including respect for universal rights. Those values require us to acknowledge the truth and do what we can to prevent further genocides and other crimes against humanity.

In December 2019, after decades of obstruction, the Senate unanimously passed a resolution affirming the facts of the Armenian Genocide. The House also overwhelmingly passed its own resolution recognizing the facts of the Armenian Genocide in 2019. We appreciate appreciate that in your April, 2020 Armenian Genocide Rememberance Day statement you pledged “to support a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide,” but congress has already made its position clear it is time for executive bran it is time for executive branch to do so as well.

As you said in your Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day statement last April, “It is particularly important to speak these words and commemorate this history at a moment when we are reminded daily of the power of truth, and of our shared responsibility to stand against hate – because silence is complicity.” Administrations of both parties have been silent on the truth of the Armenian Genocide. We urge you to break this pattern of complicity by officially recognizing that the Armenian Genocide was a genocide sincerely.


Robert Menendez, John Cornyn, Charles E. Schumer, Mitt Romney, Richard J Durbin, Rob Portman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Susan Collins, Chris Van Holen, Kevin Kramer, Edward J Markey, Marco Rubio, Sherrod Brown, Ted Cruz, Jack Reed, Debbie Stabenow, Ron Wyden, Dianne Feinstein, Catherine Cortez Masto, Jackie Rosen, Corey A Booker, Michael F Bennett, Tammy Baldwin, Alex Padillas, Elizabeth Warren, Benjamin J Cardin, Bernard Sanders, Robert P Casey Jr, Patrick Leahy, Gary C Peters, Raphael Warnock, Tammy Duckworth, John Hickenlooper, Richard Blumenthal, Amy Klobuchar, Angus King, Tina Smith, and Jeffrey A Merkley

So, this is from 36 Senators from both sides of the aisle. This is the Senate putting some pressure on Biden, and it apparently worked. He said he’s gonna do it. This is Bloomberg:

Biden Tells Erdogan He’ll Brand Armenian Massacres as Genocide 

President Joe Biden told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday that he intends to recognize the 1915 massacres of Armenians as a genocide, according to people familiar with a call between the leaders, a move that will likely strain already tense U.S.-Turkish relations.

Biden is expected to use the word “genocide” in a statement Saturday recognizing Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, making good on a promise from his presidential campaign. He would be the first U.S. president in 40 years to publicly state that the mass killings during the final years of the Ottoman Empire were a genocide.

The White House did not mention the issue in a statement about Biden’s call with Erdogan, the first of his presidency, saying only that Biden told the Turkish leader that he’s interested in a “constructive bilateral relationship with expanded areas of cooperation and effective management of disagreements.”

They agreed to meet during a NATO summit in Brussels in June, the White House said. But ties between Washington and Ankara have deteriorated over Turkey’s decision to purchase an air defense system from Russia, which led Donald Trump’s administration to impose unprecedented sanctions against a NATo member.

In 2018, Erdogan’s military campaign in northern Syria against Kurdish-held areas irked congressional leaders.

Turkey, which joined the alliance in 1952, has been a key U.S. strategic partner in the region, providing a bridge to the Islamic world and countering Russian ambitions. Yet increasing friction on a number of issues – including Erdogan’s increasingly heavy hand against the media and political opponents – has led him to seek a closer relationship with Russia.

Moscow seems keen to take advantage of the rift. TASS, the Russian state news agency, reported this week that the Biden administration “is making it clear that it actually does not view Erdogan as a partner and a politician worth betting on, and will build relations with him on the position of force.”

The lira extended losses on news of the Biden-Erdogan call, dropping as much as 1% against the dollar. That took this week’s losses to 3.9%, the worst performance among emerging market currencies tracked by Bloomberg after the Peruvian sol.

I’ve spoken to a few of my Armenian friends and they’re always hopeful, but this looks like it could be happening. But, keep in mind, this is only the beginning. This is a much overdue recognition of the plain facts of history, but it’s really the beginning of something. It’s the beginning of people being educated and informed of the truth.

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