Standing Firm in Your Faith Despite Opposition
I’m super excited to introduce my special guest today—Chelsea Crockett. You may not be familiar with Chelsea Crockett, but your daughter may be! She is a YouTube superstar. She has over 1.5 million fans on YouTube. That is spectacular, and she is a big-time Christian influencer. I am so excited about her new book, Your Own Beautiful. In fact, Sadie Robertson, who has a line at Dayspring, wrote the forward!
Chelsea was such a delight to talk to! Talk about a new generation of Christian women standing up for their faith! I don’t know if you are familiar with social media, but YouTube does not have great filters, and there are horrible comments that come up. Chelsea has done a remarkable job dealing with opposition as she shares her faith very publically on YouTube. We get into that more in the podcast.
We’ve had guests on the show in the past who have talked about raising strong men, but I wanted to make sure we also talk about raising strong women. I know you are going to enjoy her fresh perspective.
Your Own Beautiful is a book that if you have a young woman in your life—daughter, niece, or even just a close friend’s daughter—you’ll want to get it in their hands. It is such a great encouragement for them, and Chelsea is a great role model! I was even encouraged by the book! I hope you will check it out!
It was so much fun chatting with Chelsea—I hope you’ll share this episode with your friends who are raising daughters! I hope you (and they) will be so encouraged!
On a “Simply” & “Joyful” side note…
Chelsea says she loves to make lists. She makes a list every day, and then she prioritizes her list. She also uses Siri on her iPhone for reminders. Be sure to listen in to hear more on this.
Highlights from This Show…
- Chelsea shares how she has grown up on YouTube, publishing videos since she was thirteen. She also talks about how involved her family is with her channel—and the ins-and-outs of having a YouTube channel.
- Being online, Chelsea deals with a lot of negativity. Chelsea chats about when she started sharing more about her faith on her channel, the negativity seemed to be pop up more often.
Why do people take the time out of their day to be negative? —Chelsea Crockett
- I ask Chelsea what advice she would give to parents who have kids that are dealing with rejection.
Be there. Don’t avoid the situation. —Chelsea Crockett
- I asked Chelsea to share about how growing up online has affected her.
I had a normal life. —Chelsea Crockett
- Chelsea shares about how writing Your Own Beautiful came about.
We’re all trying to convey a message to the world. —Chelsea Crockett
It’s a beauty, faith, and confidence guide for young people. —Chelsea Crockett (CLICK TO TWEET)
- Chelsea explains a little more about the chapter in her book that talks about “living for something bigger”
Outward beauty has it’s place, but beauty that emanates from within makes a lasting impression on others. — Your Own Beautiful
- Chelsea gives her advice for women to let their natural beauty shine through from the inside out.
Let go of the grip of comparison. —Chelsea Crockett (CLICK TO TWEET)
- Chelsea chats on her stance on modesty.
- Chelsea shares how parents can encourage their young girls with guidelines and boundaries to protect their daughters and help them stay true to what the Bible talks about regarding purity.
Anytime you can get friends involved, even if you don’t want to, get them involved. —Chelsea Crockett
- Chelsea tells about other women in her generation, such as Sadie Robertson and Natasha Bure, who she’s friends with and how they encourage one another.
Please Note…
- Be sure to grab your FREE copy of my book, Sanity Savers for Moms, by joining our Simply Joyful community. It’s a great way to keep in touch…and get subscriber only freebies like my book. Click HERE to get the book and join!
Connect with Chelsea Crockett…
Social media sensation Chelsea Crockett made her debut on YouTube as BeautyLiciousInsider in 2011, and has since gone on to become a role model for millions of teens around the globe. Her channel features makeup tutorials, life advice videos, and everything in between, including messages about Chelsea’s faith. Chelsea has appeared in Seventeen, Teen Vogue, and Trend Magazine, among others, and her website,, is home to thousands of beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and advice posts. Chelsea’s greatest passion is connecting with her fans and subscribers and using her voice to make a positive impact on viewers across the world.
You can check out Chelsea’s book HERE on Amazon! Be sure to visit her site as well at
(This podcast is by Kristi Clover. Discovered by Christian Podcast Central and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Christian Podcast Central, and audio is streamed directly from their servers.)