Parenting Scripts: Words for When You Don’t Know What to Say

This week, we’re chatting with two of my real life friends, Wendy Speake and Amber Lia, author of Parenting Scripts. I just know you are going to be so encouraged. Be sure to listen in and check out all the show notes below.

Parenting Scripts: Words for When You Don't Know What to SayIf you are a long time listener, you have heard both Amber Lia and Wendy Speake on the podcast before. Today I am thrilled to share with you about their newest book, Parenting Scripts.  I love the heart of Amber and Wendy with this book. It really grew out of people’s response to their first book together, Triggers. Having anger issues as a parent is a real thing! Readers kept saying they knew how to react biblically, but they wanted suggested scripts to say in the moment. And so Parenting Scripts was born! They have really done an amazing job with this book and scripting out good examples of things to say in different situations. You are going to love it — and this conversation!

Grab some coffee or tea, sit down with us, and enjoy this episode of The Simply Joyful Podcast!

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Highlights from the Show…

When your kids do wrong, you can still do right. —Wendy Speake (CLICK TO TWEET)

Get ready to be encouraged from this interview with Amber Lia and Wendy Speake! (CLICK TO TWEET)

  • Words for When You Don't Know What to SayBoth Wendy and Amber are close friends of mine, but for those of you who haven’t “met” them yet, they both share about their precious families — Between them, they have seven boys and joke that they are their “triggers.” Ha! They have lots of precious blessings to help them practice gentleness.
  • We chat a little bit about joy. I share a backstory of how in college I thanked the Lord that he allowed joyfulness to come naturally to me. I can just see Him sitting there with a smile on his face, shaking his head, and saying, “Oh, daughter, let me show you what true joy looks like.”
  • Mommy anger is a real thing. I love the story of Amber and Wendy’s books! They are such a godsend! Amber shares a little bit of the heart behind their books, Triggersand Parenting Scripts. Why they felt the need that these books needed to be written. I also share a little about my family’s “Grumpy Room” (we’re not the only ones who have those right? ha!)
  • When we really take the time to identify your problem areas, Parenting Scripts is such a great resource to use and assist you with parenting! I love the way that Wendy and Amber have broken it down. There are scriptures and prayers to go with each script. I asked them to share a little example of a parenting script with our listeners and exactly how to use this book to be effective. We also chat about their favorite chapters and inner dialogue (it is so important!!)Words for When You Don't Know What to Say
  • So many times we have kids who are habitually sinning, but at the same time, we as parents are habitually reacting to that sin. I asked Wendy and Amber for tips to encourage listeners to form new habits and create new words.
  • We are modeling to our kids what asking for forgiveness is like. When we mess up, it’s good to ask our kids to forgive us. We are all going to spend our entire lives going before the throne and saying “Lord, I messed up again.” We are going to consistently hurt people’s feelings. We are going to mess up and need to ask for forgiveness. I think that when we start there — when we start with forgiveness — our kids can see that we’re owning our mistakes.
  • Hurt feelings are a real thing, but we have to remember that our kids aren’t out to hurt us! We chat about hurt feelings (and that chapter from the book) and how you can respond in an unangry way.

Scripture Referenced:

  • Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9)
  • Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
    They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)
  • As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:1-3)

Also Mentioned in this Episode:

  • Skill Trek!! Be sure to check out more information on our wonderful sponsor for Season 5! Skill Trek helps prepare kids and young adults for life with real skills. They have a comprehensive library of over 500 life skills and counting! You can get 15% off an annual membership with the coupon code: CLOVER15(coupon expires June 30th).
  • The Simply Joyful Membership Site!! Don’t miss all the fun things that are going on on the membership site! We are upping our game!
  • If you’ve been around for a minute, you know that I had the privilege of having both Amber and Wendy on the podcast before! If you didn’t get a chance to listen to their episodes the first time around, you can listen to Amber’s HERE and Wendy’s HERE.
  • Amber and Wendy have a great website full of resources as well as a Facebook group, Gentle Parenting with Amber and Wendy, that you can join for even more encouragement.

A Special Thanks to

Rend Collective for allowing me to use their incredible song “The Joy of the Lord is My Strength.” This song has so much special meaning to me and it highlights the theme verse for my podcast — Nehemiah 8:10. Be sure to check out their music! They are such a fun band to listen to…and to see live.

Connect with Wendy Speake…

As a trained actress and heartfelt Bible teacher, Wendy Speake ministers to women’s hearts through storytelling, both on page and stage. She utilizes drama, comedy, poetry, and the study of God’s Word. During her career in Hollywood, on shows such as JAG, Melrose Place, Star Trek Voyager, and Roswell, Wendy found herself longing to tell stories that edify and encourage women! She now writes stories that move readers closer to Jesus.

Wendy Speake blogs about faith and family, motherhood and marriage, at She resides in sunny San Diego with her handsome husband and their three ruddy boys.

You can check out Wendy’s books HERE on Amazon! Be sure to visit his site as well at

Connect with Amber Lia…

A former high school English teacher, Amber Lia is a work-at-home mom of four little boys under the age of ten. She and her husband, Guy, own Storehouse Media Group, a faith and family-friendly TV and Film production company in Los Angeles, CA. When she’s not building sand castles with her boys on the beach, or searching for Nerf darts all over her house, you can find Amber writing to encourage families on her blog at Mother of Knights (

You can check out Amber’s books HERE on Amazon! Be sure to visit his site as well at

(This podcast is by Kristi Clover. Discovered by Christian Podcast Central and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Christian Podcast Central, and audio is streamed directly from their servers.)

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