This week in the “Shed” is our tool of the week – Leslie Salazar Carrillo!

Creating Safe Places in Times of Crisis with Leslie SalazarLeslie is the Executive Director of the Pregnancy Resource Center in Vista, CA. She was formerly the STD Education Director and Counselor at the PRC. Leslie joined us in the shed to discuss her wide variety of experiences working with families in crisis. She has extensive work and counseling experience with teenage moms, dads and a broad spectrum of individuals who find themselves in situations of unplanned pregnancies. (

In this episode we dove into the highly emotionally charged events of unplanned pregnancies as well as life situations that create the same sense of anxieties and fears but specifically focused on best practices to be of service to those who need help, advice, and encouragement. Leslie spoke about the pain in her own life journey and the experiences that shaped her and made her a safe place for others dealing with similar pains. Leslie spoke poignantly about practical tools the staff at the PRC utilize to make their clients feel respected, safe, listened to and cared for. She was an amazing wealth of knowledge and practical experience that is easily replicable in our day-to-day lives with our friends and family who encounter highly emotional life circumstances.

The Pregnancy Resource Center is a no cost, confidential, loving, non-judgmental, faith based medical clinic in North County San Diego. The PRC provides free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, medical options consultation, adoption referral programs, parenting classes, post abortive healing counseling, and parenting classes. The PRC is engaged in community service as well by speaking to health departments in local public schools as well as to students through their STD Education program and community outreach team.

“The best thing to do in any situation or big decision is learning what you can on all your choices. That’s why we are here. We want to equip all the women in our community with information and resources so they have the confident and control they need to make the best decision for them.” – PRC

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