Reflections of Grace Slider

“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you!!” (Isaiah 26: 3 )

Let’s take a look at this word up close and personal:

  1.  “You will keep” …Satan is very cunning.  Our knowledge alone will not keep us protected.  What we need is a watchman.  And we do have Jesus who is willing and able if we will set our minds on him.
  • The Hebrew word for keep is nasar, meaning to guard, keep, and protect.   The Holy Spirit is the perfect watchman over our minds.
  • Surrendering our thought lives to God is not just a means to more consistent victory.  It is the safeguard against being given over to defeat.
  • Give God your whole heart and mind.World-Peace-Scrabble
  1. “in perfect peace”  The Hebrew term translated perfect peace means ‘shalom’ meaning to be safe, be complete, whole , secure…it denotes a satisfied condition, a state of peacefulness, and a sense of well being.
  • Just as surely as the kingdom of God prospers when we are steadfast in Him, so do our hearts and minds.
  • God is faithful to His word.  If you remain steadfast in Him you will be built up.

3.  Him whose mind is steadfast”.    We see events from our own perspective and context.  Have you noticed how two people can look at the same experience so differently?  They put the picture of what happened in different frames and act accordingly.  Our reaction depends on how we framed the event.

  • When temptations and troubling thoughts come the steadfast believer chooses to lay her hand on God’s word and know that it is the truth.
  • The Holy Spirit never fails to bring our minds comfort when we fight this fight.  He promises actually, His perfect peace.

Included in this podcast is my stronghold of weight story I have been sharing each week.

  • Remember, anything that cheats you of what God has for you in this life could be a stronghold.   He wants you free to enjoy His provisions for you spirit, soul, and body.

Write these scriptures down and meditate on them.God-loves-you-sparklers

  • Did you know?

You are deeply and completely loved. (Romans 8:38–39)

You are totally and completely forgiven. (1 John 2:12)

When God sees you, he sees the righteousness of Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

You mean the whole world to him. (John 3:16)

He thinks you are beautiful. Right now. (Song of Songs 4:1)

He is committed to your restoration. (Romans 8:29)

You are not now, nor have you ever been, alone. (Hebrews 13:5)

Meditate on these scriptures friends. They will completely change the way you think about yourself.

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