Welcome friends to Life Coaching Truths with Reflections of Grace Ministries.  Today we are going to talk about the 5th fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is patience.

Hebrews 10:35-36   So do not throw away your confidence for it will be richly rewarded.  You have need of patience so that when you have done the will of God you will receive what he has promised.

This word patience means to persevere, bear up under…it is a quality of character that does not allow one to surrender to circumstance or succumb under trial.  This kind of endurance that bears up in relation to things or circumstances is the kind of endurance that only comes from God.

  • I have surrendered to the process of character building as I travel this journey of shadows, in a season I did not expect. So many things have changed in my husband’s and my personal life because of our work cutbacks. But the things I have learned in my walk this far is that this path is astounding to me.  This is a time when life as I knew it has disappeared, and in its wake a new way of living.  And sometimes I am not sure I like it but then I remember this is where God has placed me.  It certainly wasn’t my choice.  I have been climbing up the mountain of my trial trying to see an end come into sight, but I think I am learning there is no end.  This is it.  This is where God wants me. And guess what? I am surviving!! And I am full of joy!!  And peace!! And patience!!   Our subject today!!
  • This journey does not end.  I thought when all of my routine life ended that it was a time of waiting and that something is changing.  True, things are always changing, but at this point of the journey I have come to realize that everything that I pictured as happening may not ever come to pass the way I saw it or thought it would.  He just might have a different plan.  And I am beginning to see it has to be better. (even when it doesn’t appear to be)
  • When all is the same as always, and that paycheck is secured (are they ever secured?) and all of our earthly security is in place, is our faith really tested?
  • But the thing that I am coming to see is that I looked at it all upside down or backwards.
  • Faith and patience is how He desires me to live, not strive, but to live naturally.   This trial of no security props, and no end in sight– is teaching me that my whole being rests in the lap of my faithful abba Father.  If He doesn’t come through then I am lost.
  • It should not be an embarrassing place to live.  It should be the norm.  Security in Him is so much more a reality than security in a system.
  • I am rich in Him!!
  • What I am trying to say is that this is not poverty!!
  • This is not lack!!
  • This is what it looks like to surrender my daily life to Him.

I am not hurting but blessed and can carry my own because my King cares about me and He is taking care of me.

Learn to surrender to the process, and find out how to put on His patience

We need to be confident that His plan for the future is a good plan and not evil.

My inheritance in Jesus includes having peace in my soul no matter what is going on in my life and as I walk toward my freedom, I walk toward who I am becoming. What If I just gave up?  Would I ever see the promise of his provision?   This is why we have need of patience.

Recently, I experienced a supernatural encounter with the fruit of patience right from Jesus Himself.  I had a very trying and frustrating conversation with a loved one.  I was so angry that I went outside to “walk it off”.  I prayed, “Jesus, I’m very angry.  I ask you for Your patience, not mine.  Help me to see this situation and this person through Your eyes, not mine.  I have to say that the moment that I called out to God, I instantly felt his presence and was filled with His patience and love.  The only way this could happen was through Jesus.

  • It is simple and we complicate it…It is His fruit.  It is His patience.  We ask for it when we need it and receive it by faith.   He gives you the power.  He gives you the strength.  In Him we live, move, and have our very being.

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