The first thing we need to do in our plan to tear down strongholds is to recognize the high places.  In other words we need to recognize the captor who has brought those high places into our lives.

  • Who has us in bondage in any area of our life?  Jesus came to set us free, so we can figure out that it is always the enemy who holds us captive.  But he can only hold us captive as long as we let him.  Once we realize we can walk out of the cage, and know how to do that, and then we are free.
  • The second thing we must do after recognizing who has held you captive, is begin to “stand in agreement” with God.  How do you do that?

In the second part of this process we are now on our feet.  We aren’t lying on the bottom of the cage, but we have risen up.  At this stage we are not yet free from the captive, controlling thought, but something very important has occurred.  The key that unleashed the first wave of divine strength In her battle against the stronghold is found in 1 John 1:9,

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us and purify us from unrighteousness”

This has already happened folks!!  If you know Jesus you have His divine strength in you right now!!  His righteousness….Confession just means coming to the same point of saying the same thing God says about you in any specific matter.

  • The first step of freedom is agreeing with God concerning the personal sin involved in your life…the object we are focusing on in our imaginations is not always sin.  The disobedience may lie solely in the exaltation of it in our minds.  For example nothing could be more precious than a mother’s heart for her child.  However if she has passed the bounds of healthy affection to overprotection, obsession, adoration and idolatry of the child, she has constructed a stronghold and that will ultimately destroy the child as well.
  • Virtually anything that cheats you of what God has for you could be considered a stronghold.  Anything we allow to grow between us and the glorious completing work of God is a stronghold.
  • Have you come to the place yet, of recognizing those areas in your life that may need to be eradicated?  Can you agree with God’s word and confess it and be ready for the next step?
  • The divine power of God is available to all of us who will agree to apply it.  Once you learn how to use Gods word and live in His spirit, “your enemies will cower before you and you will trample down their high places.
  • I have discovered that to be transparent and vulnerable is to find your voice, begin to get honest with yourself and others and how to find my freedom through what I am sharing with you.
  • And it is empowering and freeing.   It is for freedom He has set us free!!
  • When I am honest and open with my pain and subsequent walk of faith it draws the multitudes of people who want to know they are normal in the trials they suffer, and it gives them hope.
  • Why do we fear transparency?
  • We are afraid that if someone finds out who we really are, they will reject us. While we may try to appear perfect, strong or intelligent in order to connect with others we actually do them a great disservice in not allowing them to know us as we really are.

It opens us up to love, joy, creativity and empathy!!

Real power occurs when I am comfortable being me, flaws and all, no matter what environment I find myself in.

The secrets have lost their power and we are free to live authentically.