Reflections of Grace Slider2

I created pictures of my situations in life in my mind that were not reality and I lived that way off and on until only just recently.  I thought I had a handle on it, but still found residue of this ability I had so carefully constructed in so many areas.

  • The mind is a powerful thing, and is the source of all our battles with the enemy.

How many of you know that God heals us and corrects us in layers? 

Like pealing an onion…one layer at a time.  We can’t handle it all at once.

1 Corinthians 13:12 in The Message says:

We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing Him directly just as He knows us!

I wrote about my ability to create my own reality in my first book, “Climbing Out of the Box.”

It started when I was a victim of incest as a child and I learned to remove myself from what was happening and would create a happy and safe environment to dwell in that wasn’t reality.   I was forever being disappointed when my picture didn’t line up with what was really happening.   It was a way to cope.   As an adult it is an easy and tempting thing to slip back into and I have to be on my guard most of the time.  But I am a grown up now, not the child victim.

  • The problem comes when we convince ourselves that we need a certain outcome — and that it has to happen on our timeline, in the way we’ve pictured it.

When we try to control outcomes, and make them fit our pictures, we cut ourselves off from the loving protection of God and let fear begin to rule our thoughts.

Fortunately, in any given moment you have a choice to change.

You can choose to reconnect with the reality of overcoming our circumstances instead of living in a false reality, thus enabling the enemy to continue to cause us pain in lives.

Here are some steps to follow to remind yourself of your powerful connection with Jesus so that you may begin to walk in the power to overcome that He has provided for you.

  • Step 1:

Be determined to see your circumstances with God’s eyes.  Ask Him for His eyes to see clearly…not what you have created for yourself to see.

What are you saying, out loud or to yourself, that’s disconnecting you from your power?

  • Identify your story.

    Image: Shannon Presson
    Image: Shannon Presson

Once you’ve identified your real story, take a moment to get real about how it makes you feel. Recognize the way your words and beliefs block the manifestation of what you are praying about to begin to occur in your life.

What is the number one negative story that you have on repeat in your brain, and how does it make you feel?

Your honesty is what will open the door for you to remember and accept the power of God to change your circumstances or enable you to accept the place you are at in this part of your season.

Once you’ve identified your story, immediately say out loud: “I am more than an conqueror in all of my circumstances” You, my friend are a child of the King of Kings.

You have to let go of your fear.

  • Step 2:

Turn it over to the Lord of your heart, Jesus, and be patient.

Talk to Him with certainty and thank Him for giving you a clear picture of your life and a clear picture of what He wants to accomplish in you.  Be patient within His fruit of patience.

Try not to control your picture, but let Him create a new picture for you.   Your sign from Him will be crystal clear if you’re going in the right direction.  He will show you His will for you right now.   And remember that if it’s not clear, it is time to trust Him and be patient and learn what waiting on Him really means.

There may be some personal fears you need to clear up, or perhaps faith you need to strengthen, before you can get there.

When you try to control an outcome or even a time frame, you cut off your ability to be patient for the outcomes and disconnect from all the infinite possibilities that could occur.

Surrender to the Lord and remember that nothing can take away your true power that is yours in Christ and His love and peace within you.  Let Him mold you into who He has created you to become.

What would happen if you chose to be thankful and content in the place you are in right now?

Or if you are in a really trying, and grief filled place right now, asking Him to strengthen and hold you up while you navigate the waters of pain?  He promises to surround you with Himself every minute of the day.  And nothing ever stays the same.  You can endure until change comes within His strength.

But you have to invite this to happen.

or you could ignore it… or forget that it is yours…

and walk in defeat and fear.

It is all a choice on your part.

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