Reflections of Grace Slider

What is your projected image of the journey ahead of you? What do you see?

How many times in your life do you just accept what comes, figuring that this is all that God has for you? Are you fearful for your future? Do you think God is done with you? Do you try to find answers for the senseless things that are happening in our world? Do you join with the throngs of the fearful trying to find answers to alleviate your own anxieties?

Because if we have an answer as to why something happens, and knowing that our only hope is in God, then we think we can protect ourselves and loved ones better; rather than seeing the truth, that evil that has penetrated our society.  We are in a battle.  The evil one wants nothing better than for us to live a defeated life. You have to refuse it. Refuse to agree with your enemy, and instead agree with what His Word says about you.

According to Matthew 18:19:

“I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in Heaven will do it for you.”

We can agree on fear or we can agree on faith. I see 4 obstacles that can hinder you from moving forward in your faith journey with God.

  1. The obstacle of unbelief.

Unbelief comes from us not really knowing Jesus in the most intimate way.   For if we knew Him as He really is, we would know our confidence in Him will get us through whatever comes.

We must have a vision of broader places in our lives.  Jesus has come to give us abundant life.  Sure, with salvation comes the assurance of our eternity spent with Him.  But beyond that, have you really immersed yourself in Him to the point of feeling His presence every waking moment?  In this day and age we cannot afford to be without His constancy in our lives.

Pull off the spiritual blinders and look!!

  1. The obstacle of our words.

We must speak the words of faith for our journey, and not words of doubt and unbelief, no matter how we feel.  The power of life and death is in the tongue — we believe what we say. Faith comes by hearing, but so does doubt come by hearing.  What are you saying about your walk with God?

The last few days I have been feeling as if I am moving underwater, longing for a release, but not sure what that release would look like.  The temptation to just escape within my mind has been brooding over me.  I decided to ignore my feelings and go by what He says is there for me.  I act like it, regardless of how I feel.  I figured as Mary sat at the feet of Jesus, so shall I in the midst of a blurry future.  The more I sit in His presence and lean into Him, the more the assurances from Him come.  Ahhhh, sweet peace and rest in His plan for me!

Image: Lutheran @ UP
Image: Lutheran @ UP
  1. The obstacle of spiritual blindness.

I am convinced that He has a plan for every one of us.  We so often miss that plan because we get too bogged down in our own fears and doubt and unbelief. But not so within Him!!  Immersed in Him I see new things ahead.  Without Him we are blind to the spirit world, whether it is good or evil.

  1. The obstacle of lack of intimacy with Jesus.

All of our tests and trials are not going unnoticed. He is watching and will not let us down.  It is about growing up into Him.  It never stops.  I have been a believer for 40 years and I am still feeling like I am learning more about Him in a deeper way than I ever walked before.  It is a constant.   It is our only hope for the future.  The world is so unstable and led by so many who don’t have a clue of the evil that is operating in the heavenlies and leading them into even more darkness.  We are under attack from the enemy’s armies!!

But we are more than conquerors!! He is all we need to move forward.  He is the secret!!  He is the escape.  His Word says He will provide the way of escape for us when the heat is turned up.  I used to look for a way out of the anxiety, and finally realized the escape is in the person of Jesus.

When Jesus met the woman at the well He told her that He was able to satisfy the deepest thirst of her soul and that she would never feel thirsty again (John 4:13-14). Every child of God could say “Amen!” to that statement! Jesus satisfies. I have never seen a Christian, who was abiding in Jesus, every feel that he/she lacked any good thing. I never met a Christian, who was abiding in Christ, who longed for the things of this old world. For those who are abiding in Jesus have found a sweet, cool, soul-satisfying fountain of living water that has produced within themselves a well of water springing up into everlasting life (John 4:14).

We desperately need a deep sense of value as a person in order to function mentally and emotionally in the way that God intends. Having a sense of irrevocable value can and will affect our attitudes and actions. If we merely try to change our behavior without realizing that it is our quest for value that is motivating much of what we do, then we engage in a fruitless endeavor. We might spend our entire lives hunting for love and acceptance from the people around us, but the hole at the center of our being can only be filled by the Healer himself. He designed us in such a way that we need him housed within us to be made whole.

He is our escape.  We run into Him and are safe.  In Him we find that rest in the midst of darkness surrounding us.

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