Brad Stine Mini-Cast

Redefining Identities

So I was talking about… Let’s make a joke about the changing of words, about the fact that we’ve taken words that used to mean one thing and they mean something else. Now, we’ve seen this all the time now. This, of course, is the whole concept of identifying. If I’m a man and say I identify as a woman, I’m using the word identify, which used to be used only in morgues. “Sir, can you identify that body?” “Yeah, that’s a body.” Then we made a description of the body so that we could go tell the loved ones. Identify means simply to prove or to concur that something or someone is who they say they are. So to identify then as a man identifying as a woman is essentially saying, “I have now become that thing.”

Now, that’s not true if you look at the old definition of identify because it’s not a true statement to… Literally, it’s the opposite. A man just say he’s a woman, and suddenly, he identifies as that way. A person that would look at them if they weren’t told that that was their identity would say that’s a man. So the identify isn’t working. The entire terminology doesn’t work because they’re turning it into meaning something else. So this was a whole joke about how we’ve used words to mean something else. Okay? It’d be like using it for Jesus’ sake. Well, Jesus loved everybody. People who went sin say Jesus loved everybody so they can sin. Acting like he loved everybody. He didn’t judge anybody.

Well, this is where I would go back to my son when I said always identify your terms, find your term. If somebody says Jesus loved everybody, I would say you’re right. Jesus loved everybody. But then I’d say define love because if, to you, love means he never held anybody accountable. That’s not love. If love means he never judged anybody, that’s not love. If love means he never expected people to be loyal, that’s not love. If love means that he wasn’t going to chastise people that screwed up, that’s not love. Love doesn’t mean that nobody is held accountable for anything. Any more than you get married or have a boyfriend or girlfriend and say I love you. I love you too, and they go out and cheat on you and they say, “But you love me so who cares?”

Everybody cares because love was supposed to mean you don’t do that. They’ve redefined the term. Didn’t let the rest of us in on it but then demand that the rest of us play along, which is exactly why I said that in my joke. You live in a free country. You literally can live in a fantasy if you want, but you can’t make me live there with you because the moment you take my autonomy, my free agency, and forced me to live with you in identifying a concept that I don’t agree with or more importantly, isn’t even true, you’re stealing my truth… Let me reframe that. Not my truth. That becomes relative. Is it? You’re stealing truth, reality, logic, reason, proof, objectivity, free agency, autonomy. You’re stealing all that from me so I can make you feel better about yourself.

I’m not obligated to do that, and you’re not obligated to make me feel good about myself. Does that make sense? So I was making a joke about that, but notice, I went off and made jokes about the redefining of terminology about food, and then I said decaffeinated coffee or non-alcoholic beer. Now, if I was smart, I would’ve taken that routine, and then buttress that to a next phrase where I said, “Now, let’s look at some new terminology that we’ve used. It started with the redefining what food products were…” Excuse me. But then it turned into identify or turned into safe space or whatever the term is. Whatever. Violence, now, is silence. I could have taken the joke to that. I didn’t have that written by then. So in some ways, you watch that. It doesn’t really make sense from leftism because it’s not really talking about any of the terms or words that the left has used and redefined.

So in that regard, it wasn’t really as substantive as it should have been. It was really like turning the corner and making it almost lighthearted, not really going to the deeper meaning, but you guys knew what I meant when I said, “You live in a fantasy. I don’t have to live there with you.” So you kind of knew where I was going and you need to understand this about myself. Because I am Christian, Christ follower, I am forbidden to hate people, and I do not try to harm people. I’m not here to try to hurt people’s feelings maliciously. I don’t care if your feelings are hurt if it’s based on truth. I can’t stop that.

As a matter of fact, feelings are supposed to be hurt when you are confronted by truth because that’s your eviction being purchased. Right? That’s your conscience being purged. That’s what it’s supposed to. Make you feel something so you get better, get back on track, get back where you belong. That’s what it’s supposed to do. That’s what the truth is. So I talked about that and the entire joke, which is funny on its own was trying to, on a superficial level, make veiled references to what’s happening in America where we have people who are literally canceling you by being so woke and telling you, “You can’t work anymore. We’re going to destroy everything.” Well, all that crap has to die. That anti-American cancerous, leftist, communist, Marxist, evil Stalinistic tactics, Nazi, everything.

I’ve told you this before. I’m always going to reiterate this. Remember this from the left. Whatever they accuse you of is what they’re doing. Every stinking time. It is institutionalized narcissism. They live by lies and they actually believe them. They believe by being bigot to you, they can call you a bigot and it doesn’t count to them. By being racist to you, they can be a racist by calling you a racist. They can be a racist to you, and it doesn’t count. They believe by calling you a bigot, they can be bigot to you, and it doesn’t count on them. They literally do everything they accuse you of and then believe that they are exonerated from that, that they don’t have to be put under the same scrutiny.

This, again, is what narcissists do. That’s why I call it institutionalized narcissism. Because now, it’s part of culture. Now, it’s part of their wokeness. It’s part of their plan. It’s part of the way they gather power. It’s why I’ve spoken for 20 years. Don’t do political correctness. Fight back. Thank God, there’s a handful of comics, Bill Burr, John Cleese, Ricky Gervais, Jerry Seinfeld. Great comics. Much more famous than I’ll ever be who are speaking out against this cancer because if comics can’t speak, and provoke, and break taboos, and get you on the edge of your seat and scare the crap out of you, there’s nobody left on earth that can do. We are doomed to be controlled by some kind of totalitarianism.

So that’s very, very crucial that you understand what that joke was for, what I was trying to get at, and where I’m taking my next album, and for those of you who came out and to see me live, you got to see some jokes. I’m doing jokes about coronavirus, of course. So it’s stuff that hasn’t been recorded yet, but there’s a lot of stuff that I’m going to be doing that will be on my next album.


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