Brad Stine Mini-Cast

Political Correctness Is Controlling Culture

One of the things that I found myself doing, and I’ve told you guys this, I think over the years was I found myself enjoying the elements of my face that I would bring into my comedy, even more than just performing comedy. I found that this was more fascinating to me, that this was more important to me. That I would perform comedy, which is fun. I enjoy that. But by this point, I already knew how to do that. It wasn’t a challenge to make people laugh. It wasn’t a challenge to have people say I’m funny. I’m grateful for it. It’s enjoyable. It’s made a living for me. It’s allowed me to keep my son in pajama bottoms, which is all he seems to ever wear anymore. Maybe he’s looking for sympathy from the ladies.

Anyways. I remember specifically being in a church many years ago. And I was looking at this congregation, and they had been laughing, because I’d been performing comedy this whole time. And they’re laughing. And I just began to sort of speak about ideas about Christianity, because it mattered to me, because it’s true. Now I know in this day and age, that is a controversial statement. And when I say that, some of you might be perceiving, you mean as controversial like for you to say that Christianity is true. Believe it or not, that’s not what I meant by the controversial statement. No, it’s controversial in this day and age to say anything is true. That’s where we’re at. That’s what has become America. Folks, if you’ve followed my career, if you have followed my comedy, from the first album I ever made, and it was a CD first, that’s how old this was. This was late 90’s. Then it became a VHS, because that’s all we had back then.

The first one I ever made, most of you have never seen. See, those who followed me know the first album I ever put out was known as Put a Helmet On. That’s my most famous album. That’s the one I think was probably the all-around best material from front to back that I ever did. But there was one before that, there was one that I did before that when I lived in California, that started out as a CD. And I believe I ended up having a VHS of myself being filmed. I’m not going to tell you the name of that one. It’s impossible to find because it was only done by those who might’ve bought VHS and still kept that. But I’m going to say if there’s anybody out there that thinks they know the name of my first actual album, and you tell me that, and you mention it right here on this thread, you say, “Well, I remember, it’s called… ” Anybody that happens to know that I’ll send you a free t-shirt signed, because it would be rare and odd. If nobody does, I’ll tell you guys one of these days.

But what I wanted to tell you was that the idea that when I first started in comedy, I began to fight political correctness way back in the 90’s. At that time, it was more of an annoyance than it was a ideology that was virtually controlling the narrative of our culture. It was a novelty. It was difficult to manage. It felt stupid. It was frustrating, but people still live lives. Comics could still make fun of things and not have to sweat somebody calling them a bigot or a homophobe or whatever. Anything else that they want to call somebody when they don’t want to hear what you have to say. This superficial, lack of depth, this censorship, this intolerance, this bigotry, by calling somebody a fascist, as they’re being fascist sickens me. It sickens me that the cowardice of Americans don’t stand up and say, “You don’t have a chance to shut me up. You bigot.” And you’d bigot on them. Use how about truthaphobe on them. How about Christophobe on you anti-Christian bigots out there, and there’s a million of you. 10 million of you.

You’re a bigot. You’re an intolerant fascist, but you don’t have to fight for that, because you just called me that. And everybody just has to shut up. I’m never going to shut up. Oh, they might throw me off the platforms. And you know what folks? I don’t know what I’ll do then, but I know what I will tell you, God almighty will take care of me. I’ll tell you that right now. Because I’m telling you, as sure as I sit here, I got a family. I got grandsons. I love this nation. I want to continue to tour. I want to continue to speak about religious liberties and free speech. I’m in comedy clubs. I’m in churches. I’m in conservative groups. I’m in places that are secular and mainstream saying you’re not going to shut us up. I need to fight for America’s freedom. I’ll do that. I’ll do that for you. Most of you don’t have this platform, but you have to fight when you’re there in your place. I should inspire you so you do it.

It’s because Americans are cowards now, we’ve lost our nation. I’ve never believed it. And now I do. America is gone. The America that we believed in is gone. Because people won’t stand up. People won’t fight. People won’t take to the streets. We’re getting a little bit. There was some pushback in New York, I think today or yesterday about vaccine mandates. There’s people that are just trying to stand up for things. But what you never ever see is anybody from the left sort of trying to discover or to discern why people are acting the way they are. Why would hundreds of nurses refuse to take this potion? They’ve worked for the last year and a half and watched people die on their watch with COVID. They’ve watched them die with COVID. Now I always say with COVID, because very few people die from COVID. They die with it. They had a precondition, they were overweight. They had a heart condition. They were over 75. That’s the most the people that have been dying.

Others have died. We also know that people who died of motorcycle accidents where they had COVID, they said it was a COVID death. This was so they could make money. So that’s where so much of the right has gotten so frustrated with this hope scenario, because we saw what was being done. A manipulation of reality to enforce subservience. That’s just the key. Subservience. It didn’t have to be a virus, but they found something that they could scare people with. They found something that they could manipulate people’s fear, and they are fearful. That’s why Christianity matters folks. I don’t care if you’re an atheist. If you’re in fear, it’s because you got nothing to live for. Jesus Christ was God, he rose from the dead on this earth. This is a real book with a real proof that people saw it, improved it. Why do I say that? Because it gives you truth of life. It gives you truth. So you can discern from the lies and rise above it and live like a warrior.

You get to see what nobody else sees. Reality. You put on the glasses, the fog fades away. You see the truth. You see what happens when people use fear and people’s desire to live a few more years longer to drive them to their knees in pure shame, to drive them down into worthlessness. To make them subhuman, obey us, dress how we tell you to, inject things as we tell you to. If America succumbs and says, “Yes, any potion you ask us to inject we will do.” If that becomes the norm in America, we don’t exist. We’re communists. We’re controlled by bureaucrats. This isn’t right wing rhetoric, this is reality based on the wisdom of history to show you what communist fascists totalitarian governments do. How did it get in America? I was at a church in Michigan, Michigan, with one of the worst governors in the country. I was performing at a church for a men’s event this past Friday night. And when I got there, I met the pastor, and he told me that his church was one of two men’s men, conservative folks, go to church, good people, good people.

And in that entire state, two churches said, “We’re not shutting down.” They were one of them. Other church people would protest in front of their church. “These people are killing people. These people are destroying people.” Now notice what the churches that stayed open didn’t say. “You must come to church or you’re going to hell.” Never said that. These churches that stayed open never said, “You must wear a mask.” They said, “You can, you don’t have to.” If you want the potion or not, we don’t care. Either one of you are welcome here. But we don’t believe that a secular humanist left-leaning Marxist-driven, bureaucratic totalitarian regime of power can have the audacity to tell a church we’re unessential. There’s nothing more essential on earth than church, nothing. Because it is the sacred place where God is discovered and spoken of and passed on and communities bond, and people get saved, And people get changed. That’s what it’s for. I don’t apologize for my faith anymore. Nor do I try to be sensitive to those of you who aren’t of that ilk.

Why? Because there’s not a lot of time left on earth. And when you die, if you don’t believe in Jesus, you go to hell. You go to hell. Why? Because God’s an evil tyrant that people into hell? No, because you’re already going to hell, and he’s given you the way out, and you said, “I don’t want it.” What are you talking about? You can’t, you’re going into hell. If you don’t take this key and open that door, you’re going to burn in here. “I don’t want it. How dare you shove your key down my throat?” One of two churches in the entire state of Michigan didn’t shut down. When they started their church prior to COVID, they were averaging around 250, 300 people that would come to their church. Small church. Once they opened up during COVID, they’re running at about 1,500 now.

You see, in America, when somebody stands up for liberty, when somebody stands up for righteousness, when somebody stands up for truth, when somebody stands up for reality, when somebody fights against lies, when somebody exposes darkness, when somebody excises cancer, when somebody lifts somebody up and says, “Follow me into the Dungeons of hell, and we will draw our swords and we will fight the demons, fight them back, and we will release the captives.” When somebody has the balls to do that, American show up. And then there’s only a handful of pastors that do. I saw a woman post on Twitter. And I’ve heard this a lot during this whole Corona crap. I’ve heard a lot from well-meaning Christians. You know who I’m talking about. The ones that are so concerned that Jesus is going to get a bad rap if some of his followers actually believe him when he says he is the way, the truth, and the life, and no man comes to the father but through him.

They don’t want Jesus’ own words to be used against him, because they want Jesus to be thought of as a fluffy puffy little lamb that would never hurt a fly, and never tip a table. And so I constantly get, I mean, it’s bad enough when I have secular humanists who live in fear, who literally would wear two, three, four masks, a suit of armor, scuba gear, whatever you told them, they’d wear it, they literally have no autonomy. I can’t imagine literally being a self-imposed slave, but they are. There’s lots of Americans living like that. “Just tell us what to do, we’ll do it. Tell us what to eat, we’ll eat. Tell us where to go, what to wear, tell me what to shove in my body. Tell me what to do, just keep me safe and give me toilet paper.” And so these progressive Christians, which is a heresy, they’re going to hell too. And they’re sending people with them. Always come about about how Jesus is all about love. And there’s never any expectation of discipline.

And there’s never any expectation that you have to repent of your sins. And there’s never an expectation that your behavior just might be God despised. And that you have to change and become something else. There’s never any expectation of that. No, no, no, no. Jesus loves everybody. Matter of fact, probably everybody gets in. Even those who despise his name, spit on him. There’s no rule. There’s no expectations. That’s what they say. God loves everybody. Then what’d he die for? What’d he die for if everybody gets in without even caring, even noticing, even making an attempt to show loyalty and love to the one way escape from eternal damnation. What happened?

I wrote a note back to these people on the Twitter. Because they’re talking about isn’t loving your neighbor really just doing all the mandates? Really isn’t that really? These poor diluted Christians who probably supported Trump. They just, this patronizing view, this arrogant self-righteousness of these people who truly believe their faith is so much more superior to ours because they’re so humble. They truly believe that their faith, their perspective is so much deeper than ours because they don’t hold anybody accountable. They truly believe that their faith is so much more beautiful and tender and romantic and poetic because they expect nothing from you. And matter of fact, the antithesis of historical Christian teaching can be thrown aside as long as it makes you feel good about yourself, that heresy burns people for eternity.


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