
THE SUMMIT LECTURE SERIES – Over 150 of the best lectures ever given at Summit Ministries.  Topics include: Abortion, Apologetics, Arts, Culture, Logic, Economics, Environmentalism, Ethics, Feminism, Homosexuality, Humanism, Islam, Law, Leadership, Marriage, Marxism, Naturalism, Science, Philosophy, Politics, Postmodernism, Worldviews and much more.

AN EXAMINED LIFE – Comedian Jeff Allen (Nashville) dives into his own stories and sits down with friends, associates & perfect strangers to discuss various perspectives and stories as they examine their lives.


CHURCH FOR MEN – David Murrow (Alaska)  is dedicated to helping the local church reach more men and boys.  His focus is not male dominance, but male resurgence.  His mission is not to call men back to the church – but to call the church back to men.
