What’s A Motto with You?

My family has a theme song – it’s practically a motto – that all of America should be abiding by these days!

For some reason, I’ve been thinking a lot about mottos lately. Well, not just mottos, but also catchphrases, slogans, theme songs… you know: statements that make a statement in one, short statement. I’m thinking about Disneyland – The Happiest Place on Earth. I can honestly say that, having been an Annual Passholder at the Magic Kingdom for years upon years, I have never, ever had a bad day at Disneyland. That’s a good tagline. The same goes for Bounty’s “The Quicker Picker Upper” and the ever present “God Milk?” taglines.

But not all slogans are created equally. Here in California, our state motto is: Eureka! Which means, “I’ve found it”. Which is kinda ridiculous, in that it was never really hiding from anyone. I mean, I get it that in the 19th and even the early 20th centuries, the Golden State was something of a promised land for westward settlers and travelers, but “I’ve found it?” Isn’t that kinda like “finding Jesus”? Neither California nor God’s Son have ever played hide and seek.

I’m bringing all this up because there’s one line that’s repeated around my house all the time – and no, it’s not Make America Great Again. (Although, as far as memorable branding… that one’s going to leave its mark on Presidential history as indelible as “I like Ike” and even “Yes We Can”… but, that’s for another episode.

In our house, we don’t have a single tagline or slogan so much as we have a theme song. But, given that the song pretty much repeats the same line over and over again, in my book it qualifies as a motto as well.

It comes up all too often: When one kid wants burgers, two others want pizza and one isn’t hungry, so my wife and I make the unilateral decision to get Chinese takeout, someone is bound to exclaim: “But, I don’t want Panda Express!” Or, on a beautiful day, I’ll go outside and start loading the minivan with beach chairs, one of the boys who are glued to Fortnite at the moment will definitely cry out, “I don’t want to go to the beach!”

And, it’s moments such as these when we break into song. Now, many of you who know me well may be trying to think of some 80’s hit. But no. We turn to Mick. No, not Mickey Mouse… Mick and Keith:What’s A Motto with You?

“You can’t always get what you want.

No, you can’t always get what you want.”

That’s our family theme song. It’s not popular, but it’s effective. And its memorable. And it makes a point – in life, you simply can’t always get what you want.

And, right about now, you Democrats are joyfully singing these words to your Republican neighbors. Don’t deny it… you know there’s more than a little joy in your tune!

But, keep in mind – Trump’s not done yet. There’s a legal team the size of… well, the size of Georgia and Pennsylvania together that are fighting to turn the election results around. And, though it may not be probable, it is within the realm of possibility that they may be singing that same song in your direction before too long.

And, even if Biden and Harris do end up taking office next year, history proves – yes PROVES… it’s an undeniable, historical FACT – that eventually the political pendulum swings back and forth. Eventually one party sings along with Mick while the other side can only dream of a different tomorrow.

That’s just the way it is. You can’t always get what you want.

BUT… as Pee Wee said, everyone I know has a big but.

In my house, it doesn’t matter if you get what you want or not – you have to find a way to get along, no matter what. The kid who would rather play Fortnite all day has got to find a way to enjoy themselves with the rest of us at the beach. The kids – and even adults – who don’t want Chinese food have got to figure out something on the menu that will get them through until tomorrow’s breakfast.

That’s just the way it is.

Throwing tantrums or pouting throughout the day simply doesn’t play in my house.

And the same goes for the other side: If you get what you want, you don’t have the right to throw it in your brother’s face.

Everyone under my roof knows that life isn’t fair and while we are all created equal, life simply doesn’t dole out equal results at every turn.

So, we tell our boys – figure it out. Learn how to be friends, whether you’re getting what you want or not, whether you think they deserve it or not, and I really don’t even care whether you want to right now or not. You’re family and you will be for the rest of your life, so figure it out and figure it out quickly!

And that’s my message to all of you.

No, I can’t ground you or take away your Xbox. But, the fact of the matter remains: You can’t always get what you want.

But, that doesn’t mean that you should treat your American brothers and sisters who disagree with you with any level of hostility or animosity. I don’t care who started it, or what they did last time. Figure out how to live harmoniously under one roof.. well, under one flag. One nation, under God.

Because, as the song goes: You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometime, you just might find, you’ll get what you need!

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