Self Defense vs. National Defense

In light of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, how should a dad like me square up the idea that my sons and I should “help the helpless, befriend the friendless and defeat… the feetless” with the news that we hear everyday of our leaders and our celebrities crying “tears of support” for the Ukranian people… but the support ends a short distance from words and tears.

I understand that nobody wants WWIII. But, if we are being hones, what does “support” mean, if not military support?

Can we even be honest?

Push play, listen… and let’s discuss!

Or… keep reading. I’m good, either way. The honest truth is that WordPress wants me to write at least 300 words to go along with my YouTube video in order to meet its algorithm criteria for Search Engine Optimization.

But, my point is that we teach our kids to look out for those in need – to stand in the gap for those who can’t stand up for themselves. And then, we turn on the news and see our leaders talk “tough talk” and offer sanctions while Ukrainians are slaughtered and Russia attacks and swallows up its third sovereign nation in recent history (along with Georgia and Crimea).

Now, I’m not saying that we need to be the world’s police and intervene in every squabble or take down every dictator. But, THIS dictator has obvious evil intentions not unlike other despots we have encountered and defeated in the name of peace and righteousness. and THESE are people who, a month ago, were simply going about their daily business and are now either fleeing or putting their lives on the line to fight off an evil army.

If that’s not an example of someone “being bullied” and in need of a stronger “person’s” help… what is?

It all begs the question of: Self Defense vs. National Defense?

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