This week, Daniel sits down with his friend Tach, a former Muslim women from Central Asia who now lives with the motto, “Nothing shall separate me from the love of Christ.  If God is for me who can be against me?”  Together, they discuss the role women play in today’s Islamic culture.  Learn about her story of how she discovered Christ’s love for her and His plan for her life.

When compared to a Christian life, a Muslim woman’s life is nothing – similar to slavery.

Tach reflects back to even seven-years-old when her mother began to train her for the next stage of life – to be a wife.  To cook.  To clean.  To sew.  And to get prepared for an arranged marriage.

Women have no voice.  No rights.  They live to serve their husbands and fathers.

Their days are often filled with fear.  Fear of disappointing the men in their house.  Fear of physical beatings.

The Qur’an actually endorses beating your wife in order to train her to be a better cook, a better parent, a better woman, to have better character.

If a Muslim woman makes the decision to renounce Islam and become a Christian, it is perfectly acceptable for her husband to divorce, beat or even put her to death for such a heinous crime against him and Allah.

Women are viewed as mindless servants – unworthy of opinions or rights.

When Tach became a Christian, even her own brother was so ashamed of her that he refused to speak to her for ten years.

She was also interrogated and threatened by her government officials for working with Bible translators.

We Christians need to pray for these Muslim people.  That God’s truth would shine and pierce through the darkness of their culture.

For more information about Daniel and his ministry, check out

To learn more about Tach’s ministry, go to

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