CA SB 245 Abortion Accessibility Act

I’m in California, which has its share of crazy things coming out of Sacramento, our State Capitol. Earlier this year Senator Lena Gonzalez of Long Beach put forth SB245 which is called the Abortion Accessibility Act, which will prohibit health insurance plans from requiring a co-pay or deductible for abortion services. This is important information for people to understand, whether they are in California or not.

Looking at the Bill itself and who wrote it:

  • The Bill is SB245 Abortion Accessibility Act
  • Introduced on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade
  • Senator Lena Gonzalez (D) Long Beach was endorsed by NARAL, Planned Parenthood, National Women’s Political Caucus of California, and Women’s Political Committee of Los Angeles. These groups ONLY endorse pro-choice candidates. This speaks to who is behind this bill.
  • According to the California Dept. of Insurance policies are required to cover preventative care services w/out any out-of-pocket costs. 
  • Preventative care is defined as health care that prevents disease, injury, or illness. Contraception is listed as preventative. The argument could be made that abortion is birth control, however
  • Guttmacher, the former research arm of Planned Parenthood stated “A contraception method, by definition, prevents pregnancy by interfering with ovulation, fertilization or implantation. Abortion ends an established pregnancy after implantation and therefore is not contraception.”
  • This bill is in defiance of the Weldon Amendment – Federal statutes protect health care provider conscience rights and prohibit recipients of certain federal funds from discriminating against health care providers who refuse to participate in these services based on moral objections or religious beliefs.

Looking at the human side:

  • Pregnancy isn’t a disease that is going to cause a serious health condition
  • California already aborts 130,000 babies per year 
  • Words matter, reproductive freedom is a nice way to say abortion
  • If they cared about women, they would promote pregnancy medical clinics. Many are now offering pre- and post-natal care at minimal to no cost and parenting programs to help with material needs. That is compassionate care. 
  • This is still promoting the idea that women are better off killing their preborn children to survive in life. 
  • What is the psychological cost for that woman who regrets her abortion?
  • Why do we continue to promote an idea that it is in a women’s best interest to end her pregnancy?

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