March toward Roe

  1. What is the history of the march toward Roe.
      • For many people Roe has always been the law of the land.
      • 47 years have passed since the Federal Government said abortion should be legal for any reason, without restriction. This is a subject we will explore later. How Roe was written and why the “health of the mother” is an obscure term.

2. Let’s just say right now, the majority of people, especially people who believe humans need to be protected in the womb, would say that if the mother is going to die, of course you save the mother, but Roe was written purposely broad so that the “the health of the mother” can mean more than imminent death.

    • We will discuss later what the stats are for late term abortion and why women choose that. I’ll give you what Guttmacher (the former research arm of Planned Parenthood) says, but that’s for a later episode.
  1. So this march toward Roe.
    • It actually began before the sexual revolution in the 60s.
      • In the 1920s Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, who was a proponent of eugenics, which is the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable, and destroy those who are not desirable – people with congenital disabilities, pushed for population control.
      • In 1963 The Society for Human Abortion was established in San Francisco.
      • In 1965 Griswold v Connecticut was decided that the Constitution protected a right to privacy – that law involved contraception.
      • 1967 Colorado is the first state to liberalize its abortion laws
      • Then we get to 1969 Lawrence Lader a writer and Dr. Bernard Nathanson a physician who performed abortions help found the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws. That group is now called NARAL National Abortion Rights Action League.
      • Bernard Nathanson desire was that the cultural stigma on abortion be removed and eliminate all meaningful legal restraints and make it widely available.
      • So how did they do this?
      • Bernard Nathanson later became a prolife advocate, and in his 1997 book “Confessions of an Ex-Abortionist” In the Hand of God, Dr. Nathanson wrote how they deceived a nation. These are his words
      • In 1968 A truthful poll of opinion then would have found that most Americans were against permissive abortion. Yet within 5 years we had convinced the Supreme Court to issue the decision which legalized abortion throughout America in 1973 and produced virtual abortion on demand up to birth
    • First key tactic as per Dr. Nathanson
      • Capture the media.
        • Persuade the media that the cause of permissive abortion was a liberal, enlightened, sophisticated one.
        • Fabricate the results of fictional polls
        • Fabricate the number of illegal abortions done annually in the US.
          • Was approximately 100,00 but gave the media the number 1 million – this number is still being used today, even though Dr. Nathanson said they made it up
          • Gave the number of women dying annually from illegal abortions was 10,000, when actually it was 200-250. These deaths are tragic but not where anywhere near 10,000/year
          • Since Roe was passed there have been 61 million abortions in the United States, 19 million of those aborted since 1973 have been African American.
    • Second Tactic
      • Vilify the Catholic Church
      • They said that the Catholic Church had socially backward ideas
      • Other Christian and non-Christian religions were opposed to abortion but they suppressed that information, along with pro-life atheists. – Dr. Nathanson said this!
    • Third Tactic
      • Denigration and suppression of all scientific evidence that life begins at conception. Ultrasound quickly shed light on life in the womb.
      • Dr. Nathanson said:
        • “Fetology (the study of a fetus in the womb) makes it undeniably evident that life begins at conception. As a scientist I know, not believe, know, that human life begins at conception. Although I am not a formal religionist, I believe with all my heart that there is a divinity of existence, which commands us to declare a final and irreversible halt to this sad, and shameful crime against humanity.”
    • So here we are 47 years later. It’s interesting, a man who admittedly performed over 5,000 abortions, and presided over 60,000 abortions as the Director of the Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health, when faced with scientific evidence about life in the womb became one of the strongest pro life advocates. In actually it wasn’t a religious conversion that caused this change. He did become Catholic later, but he had already changed his stance on abortion. Why? Because he came face to face with the reality of the beginnings of human life and its intrinsic value.
    • This proves that we can always change our minds. I have never met anyone, who was TRULY prolife that decided that abortion was okay. However, I have met numerous people, who were pro-choice, myself included, who examined the evidence and realized that the dignity of human life should be protected.
  1. So this march toward Roe, was based on a lie and it proves, that if we tell a lie long enough, it becomes truth. Anyone who has ever had dealings with a narcissist understands this.
  1. So if you are listening to this, and you believe that abortion is okay, or even if you are in the camp of “well I wouldn’t do it, but I can’t tell anyone else not to do it, – which we discuss the incongruity of that statement in a later episode, please take a moment and think on the fact that the whole issue of Roe was based on deception.

For more engaging videos regarding protecting life at all stages – especially before birth – check out more episodes of Life Grounded!

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