Brad Stine Mini-Cast

Leftism Is Institutionalized Narcissism

Brad Stine:
One of the things that I really discovered, and it was one of the things that I told my son Wyatt, who happens to be here. Wyatt, you still here?

Yeah. I’m still here. Yeah.

Brad Stine:
Okay. What are you up to?

Just checking the comments. Yeah.

Brad Stine:
Okay. He just sits there. Here’s what you guys don’t know, and you never see him. First off, he’s always in some kind of … What kind of pants are those?

Sweatpants, I guess.

Brad Stine:
Okay. Hold your leg up. Is this what you had last time?

Yes, it is. Yeah, yeah, [crosstalk 00:00:31]

Brad Stine:
I’ll get it closer. Tom and Jerry.

Yeah, cool. This is totally what …

Brad Stine:
I can’t even find it. There it is. Well anyways, it’s Tom and Jerry. He always wears these, and he looks on his phone to figure out all the comments.

Brad Stine:
But anyways, one of the things that when he went off to college a few years ago, I said to him, I said, “Listen, here’s the thing, Wyatt. I don’t know what kind of college you’re going to go to. I don’t know what kind of academics these people are going to teach you. I don’t know what kind of vibe they’re going to go.” Most colleges are left leaning, communist propaganda, nonsense, absurdity, anti-America. Should be completely devoid of any federal funding. They should have zero donors. They should implode and be destroyed from the inside out, and all that’s left is a shell that can be rebuilt by people who actually love this great nation. That’s what it should be.

Brad Stine:
But one of the things I told my son was, “Buddy, when you go to school, there’s so much I can’t teach you. I’ve tried to raise you the best I could. I’ve tried to give you some thoughts to think about. But at least when you have conversations with people,” I said to him, “at least always do this. Define your terms.” What I meant by that was make sure that when you’re having a conversation, that you are both using, not the same words, which you might, but the same meaning of the word because that’s all that matters. That’s actually all that matters.

Brad Stine:
So what I meant by that was you’re not going to be able to have a good conversation. You’re going to be talking around each other. Excuse me. You’re going to be talking around each other. If you think that you’re using the same … Can you go get me some water-

Totally, yeah.

Brad Stine:
… real quick? I seem to have gotten something … Excuse me, folks. I seem to have got something lodged in my … I’m telling you stuff that we’re … I’m sitting around. What do you call it? Dust from the drywall. Drywall dust, by the way, it’s like mustard gas. It’s ridiculous. It kills everywhere. It exists everywhere. It kills you.

Brad Stine:
Anyways, one of the things that I told my son was, “Always look at your words. Make sure that you guys are defining them properly.” In just a minute, I’m going to give you an example of that, that I think you’re going to find interesting.

Brad Stine:
But one of the things that I discovered as I began to perform more and more often, as I began to get more into churches, as I began to go more, thank you Wyatt, as I got more into conservative events … I’ve got one coming up. Thank you so much.

No problem.

Brad Stine:
Hang on, guys.

commentary that these people are looking for.

Brad Stine:
Oh my goodness. Well, what are you going to do? I got some drywall up my nose.

Oh. Well, maybe you stopped smelling the drywall.

Brad Stine:
I’ve got to quit. I got to keep my nose off the wall.

Brad Stine:
Truth. When I first started doing this comedy and I started working in the churches and I started attacking political correctness, and this is back in the ’90s guys, I saw this coming for a long time. My first show that got known was called Put a Helmet On. That had me talking about political correctness and how we’re losing our freedoms and we can’t say merry Christmas. Again, this is 19 years ago I was talking about these ideas.

Brad Stine:
But one of the things that I always believed, and you guys did too I think, about America was this, we’re going to have differences of opinion. We’re going to disagree. But at a minimum, at least we can always go back to the rule book. That’s what the Constitution was, the rule book. What were things supposed to be like when we started this nation? Because that’s really all that matters. That’s the key. What was the rule book so that if we get off track, we can go back to where it started?

Brad Stine:
One thing we could always count on in Western culture was that you could find the truth. You see, if I disagree with you about something, there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s makes for a robust conversation. It’s great. Truly, seriously, you guys. A conversation is more interesting when you’re having it with somebody that disagrees with you. That’s a much more interesting conversation.

Brad Stine:
It’s the conversation the left doesn’t let you have. They cannot handle somebody disagreeing with them. So they’ve gone beyond just simply saying, “I don’t like you to disagree with me,” or, “I would prefer you not disagree with me. I forbid you to disagree with me.” This is totalitarianism, which is what they call you.

Brad Stine:
Why? Because as I’ve already told you, leftism is institutionalized narcissism. If you want to know what a leftist is actually like, what their actual character is, I’ve told you this, just simply see what they’re accusing others of, and I guarantee you that’s who they are. If they are saying that you’re intolerant, it’s because they are. If it’s because they call you a racist, it’s because they’re a racist. If it’s because they think they’re phobic, it’s because they’re phobic. Trust me, they always call you what they are to make and give the appearance that they don’t have to justify why they act that way. It doesn’t count for them. They literally let themselves off the hook.

Brad Stine:
Now, this is what truth is for. The idea of truth is designed … And I did a joke about this years ago. What I said to people, “You Christians aren’t supposed to offend people.” And I like, “Oh, well then you know nothing of my religion. No, we’re not allowed to maliciously offend people, not allowed to think I’m better than you. I’m not. Not allowed to think God likes me more. He doesn’t. Not allowed to think I’m superior. I’m not. Trust me, the only reason I’m a Christian, it’s the only religion that would have me. Tried to join the other guys. ‘Can I join you?'” “No bacon.” “I’m out. I’m out. What God would deny me a BLT. I’m gone.” But if the truth offends you, that’s your problem. The truth is supposed to offend you. That’s how you know you don’t have it. Now that was an old joke, but it’s always done well because people understand what I’m getting at. The truth is supposed to … It’s supposed to be an acid that melts through the facade, through the armor, through the presuppositions, and cut to the chase, get to the heart of what is real. It’s supposed to get to reality.

Brad Stine:
See, we are in a post-modern age. I used to say that. We’re postmodern, right? People don’t believe in absolutes anymore. They don’t believe even in the ideas that has shaped the West as we know it. But then I began to say a number of years ago, I said, “It’s even worse. We’re post-truth now. We’re post-truth.” We used to at least know that if you have an opinion and I have opinion and they clash, then all we have to do is find out what is actually true, and the person whose perspective did not line up with the truth will have to alter their perspective. Consequently, we find a consensus. And guess what? We’re all growing together into one perspective that is true. Not having the same ideas, not believing the same things necessarily, not having the same tastes, but the truth can’t be altered. So if I believe in that truth and you believe in that truth, even though we’re coming from different points of view, that truth gives us a stability, a foundation that at least gives us a continuity that we can count on, that we’re similar like this, we’re equal like this, we’re connected like this, we’re egalitarian in this. The truth sets us free.

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