This is going to be fun, and oh-so-instructive.
This is the kind of a lesson I LOVE to teach.
Did you realize that in Matthew 5:18, Jesus made one of the single most dramatic, declarative statements He would ever make?
In one sweeping sentence that we explained at length last week, Jesus affirmed the Bible — every book, chapter, verse, word, letter — as absolute truth.
Through the process of Revelation, whereby God revealed Truth to His writers, and the process of Inspiration, whereby God guided His writers to write down that Truth w/o error, we now hold in our hands a precious book that 2 Timothy 3:16 (CEV) rightly calls “God’s Word.”
Revelation. Inspiration. In this PODCAST, we consider together a matter of Interpretation. How to understand the Bible… properly.
Because the sad fact is this: By stringing a few unrelated verses together, people can literally make the Bible say anything they want it to say. Anything! And they do.
We.Do.Not. We have far too much respect for the Bible to play fast and loose with its divinely inspired text.

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