WWJD? That is the question we are attempting to tackle in this podcast. If I was tweeting this on my Twitter account, I would use #MindBlowing. Yes, what Jesus did was THAT remarkable.

Each week, I follow a predictable pattern when I teach. If you have listened to any of these podcasts, you will readily recognize this pattern. Basically, I read the passage, explain the passage, and apply the passage.

This week will be one notable exception.

I will indeed read the passage. I will then attempt to explain the passage in as clear and compelling and captivating a way as possible. But as for an application of the passage, I will leave that to you. Because, truth be told, I’m really not sure how to apply the passage.

This is one of those times where I am left with more questions than answers. Important questions to be sure. Questions which, in today’s Evangelical climate, we must consider and must answer.

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