Christian Home and Family

Before we begin to talk about the “how to” portion of family devotions with younger kids involved, let’s remind ourselves of the purpose of family devotions…

  • PURPOSE OF FAMILY DEVOTIONS: Facilitate heart-level connection between your family members and the God of the universe.

That kind of connection IS possible in the hearts and minds of younger kids. Don’t underestimate their capacity to make very real connections with the living God.

The challenges with YOUNGER CHILDREN:

  • Attention span
  • Understanding
  • Mixture of ages (How can you engage the younger children without losing the older ones – or vice versa?)


  1. Think like a child…
  • Don’t assume too much
  • God, Jesus, sin, cross – all of these are words they may not understand.
  1. Take it slow…
  • Ask questions to gauge comprehension
  • Don’t move ahead if they don’t get it
  • Make deeper topics a project, over time
  1. Keep it simple…
  • One simple point is enough.
  • No need for a 3 point sermon or loads of illustrations.
  • Once they “get it,” you’re good.
  1. Apply it in a relevant way… relevant to the child, that is.
  • They know “love” in the context of family and friends, so give illustrations related to those contexts.
  • If you want to illustrate the concept of “mercy”, go back to the last time they were disciplined and talk about what it would have been like if they’d received mercy… and why they didn’t.
  • Always emphasize God’s desire to help them obey His truth. That’s called “grace” and it’s why Jesus came to die.
  1. If older kids are involved too… dismiss the younger kids, give an activity while you continue the conversation.

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