If someone calls you a Pharisee for being faithful to Scripture, they do so in ignorance. Jesus didn't call people who were faithful to His Word Pharisees. He called them disciples!
Burning Man is a pagan, drug-riddled, orgy. Unless you repent of this culture and follow Jesus Christ, your radical self-expression is actually self-destruction.
What the Bible Says About Microaggresion? This is a victimhood mentality driven by subjective feelings and, ironically, prejudice.This is not how Christians should regard each other.
Was Jesus a Socialist? No. Socialism isn't freely giving, it's forcefully taking. A socialist government believes the state has a duty to take what rightfully belongs to one person and give it to another. That's called stealing.
Does the Bible Say Coexist? The Christian message offends people because it says all other beliefs are wrong. But this gospel of peace must be preached to the world so others may hear and coexist with God.
What is the Gospel? The gospel is not doing nice things for people, miraculous healings, nor worldly prosperity; but a believer has been raised to life in Christ, will inherit the heavenly kingdom of God, and will show the love of Jesus.
What is a Christian? Being a Christian might cost you everything, but it's worth the cost. Following Jesus is not an easy road. Jesus, Himself said people will hate us just for His name, But praise God we're following the One who rose from the dead! He will bring us into His kingdom.