As I recently read 1 Peter 2, I realized Peter’s main point is this: Buck up, Cowboy! Figure it out! And just like I discovered in James’ epistle, there are…
Today I want to discuss the topic of anger, how anger affects our lives and how it affects us in general. I have always said anger is hurt, sadness, and…
So, Ephesians chapter four tells us: Always be humble and gentle. Not “sometimes” or “whenever you think about it”… but ALWAYS be humble and gentle! Be patient with each other,…
Some weeks are better than others. My divorce is going to be finalized very soon. Getting over something like this isn’t easy. And we all go through things like this…
Spiritual attacks will happen no matter what. No matter what you’re up to, where you are, or who you’re around… if you are dedicated to serving God, you will be…
I’ve got three boys: a nine-year-old and twin six-year-olds. And yesterday, I made the biggest mistake ever! I offered to them that we could do “…whatever you want!” They didn’t…
James is a tough book for me to wrap my arms, head, and heart around. It sometimes seems to run contrary to the letters Paul wrote, which discuss at length…
What do you do when your marriage needs a reset button? I recommend asking God what he says about how to recalibrate your marriage, and the clearest way to hear…