Welcome to one of the most practical and profitable passages in all of the Gospels. As you will hear in this PODCAST, Jesus’ words hit us right where we live. I…
So here’s my question: If you were Jesus, and you wanted to convey the idea in a way that no one could possibly miss, That you loved someone… That you…
It is without a doubt THE single most unpleasant topic in all of the Bible. The subject of this week’s PODCAST: God’s wrath. We discuss it here because here in Matthew…
In this PODCAST, we will discover together an amazing privilege that is ours, especially given tormented world in which we live. We have been given a unique gift of God’s blessing…
We have come in this PODCAST to a monumentally significant section of Scripture. And yet ironically one of the most ignored. As we will learn over the next several weeks, here in…
On the night before Jesus was crucified, He huddled with His disciples for one last time for a Passover Seder Celebration. Jesus knew that within hours of their Passover Dinner,…
Well, I’ve got good news for you. Great news, at least as far as Jesus and His disciples were concerned. Just in case you were worried about this. As you…