Before we dive into how to find a healthy church, we need to know what it is we’re searching for. What does a healthy church look and sound like? Size…
Have you ever sat back in wonder while beholding a masterpiece? In this PODCAST, you are about to do just that. Not my sermon. No, no, no, no, no. We’re talking…
As a boy, I loved the Saturday morning cartoon Super Chicken! Within almost every episode, in the course of a plan to defeat the bad guys, Super Chicken would suggest…
When I hear the word "compare," I think of being lesser than, less cool and not measuring up. It's easy to compare ourselves to other people. Sometimes I think we…
Suzanne Lederer leads us in connecting with God through Lectio Divina, or “Sacred Reading”. Luke 10:30-37 30 Jesus replied with a story: “A Jewish man was traveling from Jerusalem down to Jericho,…
As the Bible (and Jay) says: SIN STINKS! And, since we’re all sinners, by definition, we all stink. The first step to ceasing the stinking is to recognize your stench.…
What is “The Church”? In a world that seems out of control, God provides a clear purpose for us – to serve Him and be holy, or separate. To illustrate…
...And all I can say is, “Oh my...” We are going to connect several dots in this PODCAST. So much about to come into focus. AND we will complete a major…