How does putting on our spiritual "Armor" help get us through some tough times when our faith is stretched? Well, 2 Thessalonians 1:7 offers these pearls of wisdom: And so…
Breaking Strongholds- Finding Liberty in Kingdom Living 2: Recognizing a Stronghold Today we will talk about the difference in the spirit which is the part of you that is alive…
In this week’s PODCAST, I am going to take a great big risk and tell you a personal story. A story that I have on rare occasions shared with individuals.…
Two podcasts ago, I described how my ex-husband came to believe in the Lord. Incredibly, the Lord allowed me to be a part of his salvation. I say incredibly because…
Aunt Tilley joins the guys as they discuss grandmas and their super-human ability to outlast and outlive nearly everything, including disease, injury, plague and their husbands. They are absolutely the…
Right after Christmas, I received three cards in the mail from three local churches. (One of them is pictured above) This is not unusual; lots of churches advertise this time…
To purchase the entire Summit Lecture Series, Vol. 1 on DVD, go to: In light of all the different worldviews previously discussed, how do we evaluate our own worldview? …
Comedian Jonnie W. calls in to discuss everything from his name to television. And speaking of television, does the shingles virus really need to advertize for itself? Is there profit…
The Church is a living, breathing, very large group of true Christians throughout the world AND it is a group of Christians who gather to fellowship, worship and study together. It is NOT buildings…