First Liberty Briefing: Does a Public Display of Our National Motto Violate the Separation of Church and State?

First Liberty Briefing: Does a Public Display of Our National Motto Violate the Separation of Church and State?

Does a Public Display of Our National Motto Violate the Separation of Church and State? "In God We Trust" has been honored and celebrated as an expression of what it means to be an American. Any effort to prevent its display should be rejected as bald efforts to rewrite our history and destroy our heritage. 
First Liberty Briefing: Football Coach Attacked by Activists for Personal Religious Tweets

First Liberty Briefing: Football Coach Attacked by Activists for Personal Religious Tweets

Football Coach Attacked by Activists for Personal Religious Tweets | A Football coach for the U.S. Air Force Academy and alumni used his personal Twitter account to post Bible verses. This angered an activist group, labeling the tweets as “unchecked Christian extremism” and demanded that the Academy put an end to it.