An Interview with “Nothing” | Metahuman reporter Thor Ramsey has the power to interview things other reporters can’t... including discussing Atheism with "Nothing".
Health Care with Josh Harris | The controversial part about health insurance is that once you hit your deductible, you want to spend, spend, spend. But, before you get to that point, you’re afraid to see any kind of doctor because it’s so expensive - even Dr. Pepper.
Emotional Card with Josh Harris – "Whipped Guy!" - If you play the emotional card too much, and let your emotions take over, it can devastate your life and before you know it, you're whipped!
BSN – The Brad Stine Network Home Shopping Channel! From Hose Water, to Duct Tape, to Cardboard Boxxe… Americans will purchase anything today, so long as it’s presented as the cool thing to buy! And Christians are no different than anyone else! Watch this video and just try not to buy our BS!
Rhetoric Repressor - I miss civil discourse, conversations with differing opinions, with nobody getting angry. Once upon a time, we knew how to think and discuss the issues. And boy, do I have tons of issues!
“Fish Wars” - A university professor did a study of people with Darwin fish on their cars. His conclusion: some Darwin fish owners are militant; others playful.