Ask Pastor John: Is God Glorified in Those Who Reject Him?

Ask Pastor John: Is God Glorified in Those Who Reject Him?

Is God Glorified in Those Who Reject Him? The hallelujah to God’s glory will rise forever and ever, both for the mercy experienced at the supper of the Lamb, and for the judgment that falls upon those who have rejected that mercy and dishonored God in unbelief. Nothing I say or mean by the sentence “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him” is intended to contradict any of that, but only affirm it.
Ask Pastor John: Isn’t the Joy-Centered Life Just an Emotional Roller Coaster?

Ask Pastor John: Isn’t the Joy-Centered Life Just an Emotional Roller Coaster?

Isn’t the Joy-Centered Life Just an Emotional Roller Coaster? When all is said and done, and we have reflected on as many wonderful biblical realities as we can, and we have cried out with David for the restoration of our joy, our biblical lot is to wait for the Lord. We are not to despair. We are not to dictate to God how long he will be concealed. We are not to become angry and not to take our eyes off Christ in his word, but to wait.