The American Academy of Pediatrics’ new “policy statement,” is ideology, not science. And like all ideologically-driven endeavors, it will leave a train of victims in its wake: our kids.
Progressive Asian American Christians' (PAAC) response to the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel by Founders Ministry regarding Biblical authority, Imperialism, gender, racial and economic equality, sexuality, and gender identity.
The Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos may not like it, but the First Amendment is a high bar protecting even peaceful, minority religious rituals involving chickens. That bar should not be lowered unless there is a clear, compelling reason to do so.
If someone calls you a Pharisee for being faithful to Scripture, they do so in ignorance. Jesus didn't call people who were faithful to His Word Pharisees. He called them disciples!
The guys discuss the topic of Social Justice and the Gospel. They review the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel from Founders Ministry, which was written in response to trends that today’s church leaders see within our Western culture.
Jonathan Edwards said that there is a spiritual and divine light immediately imparted to the soul by God of a different nature from any that is obtained by natural means.