Anne of Rainbow Gables? The LGBT Agenda and a Children’s Classic | It’s important to recognize the agenda being woven into the entertainment industry’s offerings, while it is becoming harder and harder to avoid the “gay is good” message in the media.
Can the Bible be taught in Public Schools? The Bible is worthy of study for its literary and historic qualities. When presented objectively as part of a secular program of education, it may not be effected consistently with the First Amendment.
What the Bible Says About Microaggresion? This is a victimhood mentality driven by subjective feelings and, ironically, prejudice.This is not how Christians should regard each other.
Sexual and Video Game Addictions from a Christian Worldview | Albert Mohler looks at Fortnite, addictions, why Americans attend church, and other headlines
Humanae Vitae and Artificial Contraception - A Prophetic Warning | Fifty years ago, a Papal encyclical forbade the use of artificial contraception. How relevant is that document today?
Firefighter Discriminated Against for Having Long Hair | John Brooks vowed to live his life as a Nazirite, vowed to not cut his hair and now faces discrimination.
Was Jesus a Socialist? No. Socialism isn't freely giving, it's forcefully taking. A socialist government believes the state has a duty to take what rightfully belongs to one person and give it to another. That's called stealing.
Hosting Religious Clubs in a School is Nothing to Be Concerned About | It violates the Constitution to treat religious clubs differently from other clubs.