I would call for us to avoid the words passion and passionate in describing our total love for God. Passion can blind and deafen us to what God often telling us.
As we choose whether or not to watch the Winter Olympics, I'm wondering: How are we supposed to be patient and loving and still provide justice for the oppressed?
So here you have this command to drive them out. You see, if you're driving people out, you are not killing them. David, for example, was driven out of the presence of Saul. Cain was driven from the presence of God. Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden. They somehow survived that driving out.
The reason you want to accomplish the goals, the reason you want the money, the reason you have the desires, dreams, and the reason you love people more than you love Christ is because you want to be happy. Am I right on that?
Christians Need To Build Credibility & Trust To purchase the entire Summit Lecture Series, Vol. 2 on DVD, visit summit.org. Another thing to keep in mind is this,…
Cash Over God You have your Bibles, starting to Hebrews and we'll get to our main passage. This is where we've been. Let's hear the pages rustle. All right.…
It's a little bit piling on with Mark Driscoll, but at the same time, he's probably the best cautionary tale we have right now, as for what is the right way and the wrong way. I hope people are listening. I hope a lot of young Christian leaders are listening to it. I hope a lot of older Christian leaders are listening to it because I think there's a lot to learn.
Does it make more sense to say account for the beginning of the universe, that it came into existence, uncaused out of nothing, or that something independent of the universe brought it about?